Yokohama Bay Sheraton Hotel & Towers w Yokohama

JaponiaYokohama Bay Sheraton Hotel & Towers


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1-chōme-3-23 Kitasaiwai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-8501, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 45-411-1111
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Latitude: 35.4667494, Longitude: 139.6202012

komentarze 5

  • Peter



    The highlight of this hotel is service which is fantastic. Everything else is very much average by US standards. Rooms are US size which is a big plus in Japan. However they are older, worn and smell old. The gym and pool are currently closed. There are better hotels in Yokohama in the same price range.

  • Brandon Henderson

    Brandon Henderson


    Stayed at the Yokohama Bay Sheraton Hotel & Towers for eight nights. They even had a nice birthday message waiting for me when I got to my room. The hotel couldn't be located in a more convenient location, right across from the Yokohama Station. You can access the hotel underground, or if you need an elevator, there is one you can take to the second floor and enter that way. There are many restaurants and shops next to the hotel and other shops and eateries a short walk away. Underground access to the station, shopping, and food on one of the days it was raining was convenient as well. Highly recommend.

  • Dislike Pokemon

    Dislike Pokemon


    Location is convenient, connected to JR and subway station. But very old hotel. Room is old style and bathroom tiles really ugly. Breakfast is buffet and non servicing. waffle is cold and soft. Better choose somewhere closed to Bay to enjoy best of Yokohama.

  • Joshua N.

    Joshua N.


    Friendly staff and great location. I was very happy with the choice to stay here. This Sheraton is very much of what you expect from a Sheraton hotel. The hotel is located far enough from the train tracks to be an annoyance but close enough to make it easy to get where you want to go. Tokyo is only a 30 minute ride by train and available every 10 minutes.

  • Jim Tarwater

    Jim Tarwater


    I stayed here from March 5 through March 10 and had no issues at all! The staff was very friendly and helpful. The room was clean and spacious! The bathroom was extremely nice and spacious as well. The walk-in shower stall was separate from the tub and the shower head had great pressure with multiple settings! And they had all the amenities available in case you left yours behind! It is adjacent to the Yokohama station and all the surrounding shopping and restaurants as well. So very convenient! As a tourist, the only down side was the 20 minute or so train ride to the touristy parts of Tokyo. But that’s really just time on a train and was worth it for a lower rate than those I. The heart of the city. I highly recommend this hotel if you’re staying in this area. Sorry I did it think to take a photo of the room, but here are some of the local station right next door.

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