Breezbay Hotel Resort & Spa w Yokohama

JaponiaBreezbay Hotel Resort & Spa



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1-chōme-22-2 Hanasakichō, Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0063, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 45-253-5555
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.4489288, Longitude: 139.6311262

komentarze 5

  • Danang Trayasrindra

    Danang Trayasrindra


    Iconic Hotel of Yokohama, the interior looks like the golden era of Japan in the 80's. What I like most is the helpful receptionist staff that helped me with some package receiving.

  • Phil Sajor

    Phil Sajor


    Great clean rooms. Affordable price. Average breakfast buffet. Subway entrance right outside the main entrance

  • Blue “Sammy” Rin

    Blue “Sammy” Rin


    A wonderful grand appearing hotel, friendly and polite staff, located near public transport and lots to do. A pretty view for breakfast you go to the top floor and get a view of Yokohama as you eat. It's within walking distances from gundam.factory, Chinatown, baseball stadium, Tokyo tower, little theme park, malls etc.

  • Akiko Otsuki

    Akiko Otsuki


    Horrible place. It must have been a beautiful hotel when it was built, however, no maintenance since. The worst thing is the smoke stuck in the room and it's unbearable. Mold everywhere and there is no place to put my stuff as everything is too dirty. As I used to be a backpacker I'm not that picky. I'm just so sorry for the travelers who visit Japan all the way from overseas. The name of the hotel and the photos are far from reality.

  • Zero



    What a terrible place to spend the night in Yokohama. This is an old building with little love from it's parent company. I was shocked to find the floors were sticky when entering the room. It was like entering an old ramen shop. The room was dark with ugly views. The TV remote control worked when it wanted to and the whole room needs to be renovated, especially the bathroom. The room was tiny. Breakfast is very simple with average food and terrible views of a grey and an unmotivating skyline. I can't believe they didn't have apple juice for kids. There are way better places to stay in Yokohama.

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