医療法人藻友会 札幌いしやまクリニック w Sapporo

Japonia医療法人藻友会 札幌いしやまクリニック



🕗 godziny otwarcia

10 Chome-4 Minami 15 Jonishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 064-0915, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-551-2241
strona internetowej: www.ishiyama.or.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.0390307, Longitude: 141.3440175

komentarze 5

  • Yuko Chloe

    Yuko Chloe


    It was newly established! I'm surprised at how beautiful it is (*´꒳`*) Thank you for taking good care of me since my previous hospital. Since the new facility was established, we haven't had the terrible response you've heard. This is a hospital where you can feel safe visiting. The parking lot is currently located behind the old building. This is where you crossed the current hospital signal ☺︎ I didn't know where it was, so I went around it lol A system where you are called by number after receiving the reception. My eyesight is bad so I waited near the monitor. Then I thought there was a monitor behind me lol

  • 佐藤明



    The receptionist and doctor were kind and nice, but some of the nurses didn't have a good attitude. I had two symptoms that I wanted to see, so I had one checked and I was wondering where to see the second one, but then I was told that I would have to wait in the waiting room. When I told them that I had written two documents and had not yet seen one, the receptionist apologized and asked me to wait a moment.As I waited, the nurse at the time called me to the examination room and examined me. The doctor also apologized, and I felt sorry for not being able to say the other thing when I had my eyes examined, but the nurse didn't say a word or apologize. I just looked dull the whole time. Then I decided to have a gastroscopy done, and as it was my first time doing this, I was nervous about what kind of explanations would be given, but I was called to another examination room, and the nurse who explained things to me was just as dumb as I was. I felt like it. However, I thought that I should at least listen to the explanation, but for some reason he was explaining it lamely, and for some reason, he was mostly talking lamely.It was my first time doing this, and I was so nervous that I couldn't help but listen. I've never written anything like this before, so there may be some mistakes in my writing, but I hope it's helpful for those who read this.

  • トオルイカラシ



    I've been there about 5 times for hemorrhoids and colon exams. Sometimes it hurts that the parking lot is on the opposite side of the street. On my fifth visit, in March 2024, I had to wait two hours longer than my scheduled colon exam and was exhausted. Was it just a coincidence? The doctors and nurses are very nice, and I'll never forget how delicious the morning breakfast was when I was hospitalized. The reason I waited for 2 hours was probably a problem with the reservation system. Apparently not. It was explained to me that this was because there were many patients in front of me who took a long time.

  • もじもじ



    I was examined at a nearby hospital, and I decided not to go to the hospital again because I couldn't stop sweating from the pain, but with advice from the internet and people at work, I decided to have surgery at Ishiyama Clinic to treat my 15-year-old condition. The first palpation was painless, and I was surprised by his high level of technique and knowledge, as well as the number of surgeries he performed each year (based on his experience). I am grateful to the staff for being kind and kind to a shy middle-aged person. I highly recommend it to anyone who is having trouble.




    Anal surgery hospital along Ishiyama-dori First visit since moving in October The waiting room is clean, Wi-Fi is available, and there are coffee vending machines. The examination was done in a private room and I was treated with great care.

najbliższy Szpital

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