Tonan Hospital w Sapporo

JaponiaTonan Hospital


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7-chōme-3-8 Kita 4 Jōnishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0004, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-231-2121
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.0652376, Longitude: 141.3456769

komentarze 5

  • なこなここ(LILIHA)



    I have been treated by a gynecologist and hospitalized. The teacher seemed trustworthy. One thing to be aware of when being hospitalized is that there is no Wi-Fi except in private rooms. (This is ☆ minus 1) Also, the meals are delicious for two or three days, but if you eat them for a long time, you'll get tired of them, so it might be a good idea to prepare some furikake. If you're someone who likes light flavors on a daily basis, you'll probably be fine. The male nurse on the 9th floor ward was cold and scary. I was sweating and cold, so I asked for a spare hospital gown, but they refused, and I was afraid to ask for anything after that. All the other nurses were kind.

  • 木実



    The doctors, nurses, and technicians in charge are very kind. I have no complaints about the diagnosis, treatment, and tests. The nurses are also really nice people. The relationship between the staff also doesn't seem to be bad. Good access from public transportation. The facility is new and clean. There is also a convenience store and ATM on the first floor. However, it is difficult to make reservations for new patients, and the operations from reception to examination to examination to accounting are difficult to understand, and the waiting times for each process are long. There were some office staff who were not very responsive or didn't get along well with each other, and I was stunned when an assistant in the examination room printed out another patient's test results and handed them to me during the examination. I have been to multiple departments and have been very well taken care of by the medical staff, but when I look at the hospital as a whole, I feel a little disappointed. However, at least I have not encountered anything like the other 1 star reviews.

  • Romu Suke

    Romu Suke


    I had neck surgery. The doctor came to my room almost every day while I was in the hospital, but we didn't talk much and it was a constant feeling of being casual, but the nurses here were very responsive. I also saw a good atmosphere among the nurses. In particular, the one female nurse in the intensive care unit after the surgery was wonderful. I remember the face but forgot the name. sorry. She was a beautiful person with bright eyes. Thank you very much for always taking care of the brightness of the TV, the lighting, and the ice for drinking water. There is always a staff member in clean clothes on hand to assist those who don't understand the automatic payment machine, so you can pay with confidence.

  • Alan Bounds

    Alan Bounds


    Brought in my daughter with a busted inner lip. After sitting two hours in waiting room, we asked how long remaining as my daughter fell asleep and blood had already clotted. We were told there were two to three more people were in front of us. Because of this, I said "we will just go home. The Dr cannot perform stiches any longer." The recepo accepted and went to inform the staff, who immediately ran out to say they could see us immediately. After a decent amount of 'encouragement', we accepted seeing the Dr. and we're led to the Dr room. A young man no older than the nurse was waiting, playing with a camera. He told us to sit down, took one look at our girl from a meter away and said "she's fine." My wife went ballistic with "that's it?!" We asked if he could at least check her, which he avoided, glanced when I showed him the wound and said, "well, I can prescribe ointment." We left while fighting over cost. This useless visit cost 7195¥. Don't visit unless it's a serious issue. Not worth the time or money spent here. Fairly convenced a nurse put on a robe and pretended to be a Dr.

  • Bobby Scully

    Bobby Scully


    With very little Japanese, the staff were so lovely and helpful. Filled out forms, saw an emergency doctor, X-rays, another doctor and paid in less than an hour. The receptionist helped/escorted us across the street to the pharmacy after we had settled the bill. Such good service for out of town foreigners!

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