独立行政法人国立病院機構 北海道がんセンター w Sapporo

Japonia独立行政法人国立病院機構 北海道がんセンター



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-3-54 Kikusui 4 Jō, Shiroishi Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 003-0804, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-811-9111
strona internetowej: hokkaido-cc.hosp.go.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.0581439, Longitude: 141.3745024

komentarze 5

  • RRR



    I changed to this hospital from another hospital, but compared to my previous hospital, which didn't do many tests and decided to perform surgery right away, they did a thorough investigation and decided whether surgery was necessary based on the results. This is the method that suits me. From the people who responded to my phone inquiries in advance, to the receptionists, to the cleaning staff, everyone so far has been very polite and kind. There is a 7-Eleven and a bakery cafe, and the bread at the bakery cafe is very delicious. It was around 11:30, but it was a little warm and fluffy, probably because it was freshly baked. I bought several types of bread and ate them: croquette bread and bread with honey in them, but the honey bread was especially delicious. I was thinking of buying it for my next doctor's appointment. The first picture is curry bread, the second picture is honey bread, the third picture is croquette bread, and the fourth picture is apple and cinnamon bread. ★-1 is because the medical treatment has not finished yet.

  • 齋藤齋藤



    Waiting for medical examination. The accuracy of the map is horribly bad. I'm scared of device authentication that keeps moving even though it's stopped. Takeover? Abandoned house? I'm not sure if it's okay to be amused. It is difficult to understand how to read the reception number on Chrome and how to cancel individual dangerous sites. In fact, I often think that the Chrome browser is dangerous. improvement

  • 島貫隆夫



    In July, I was hospitalized for complete removal of prostate cancer. My one-week plan was extended to three weeks due to suture failure, and I was depressed, but with the encouragement of my doctor and nurses, I was able to be discharged from the hospital. During my hospital stay, I visited various sections for examinations, and no matter where I went, the staff were kind and made me feel at ease. In the ward, all the doctors treated me as a team, so even on Saturdays and Sundays, one of the doctors would always come to make rounds, and even on normal days, they would come into the ward and talk to me many times a day, which was reassuring. Even though the nurses were young, they were kind and I was able to spend my time calmly. The problem is that it takes a long time to pay for medical bills on the way home, but since patients come from all over Hokkaido, it can't be helped. I'm currently going to the outpatient clinic, but I'm killing time by bringing my smartphone or tablet with me to kill time while I wait (lol) I'll be taking care of you from now on, but I'm going to go to the hospital with peace of mind.

  • tetsu ya

    tetsu ya


    I go to a urologist. About a year ago, it was big before, but it got even bigger. It has been renovated. During a medical checkup at another hospital, the PSA test exceeded the standard value. I started going to this hospital for tests. It may vary depending on your doctor My doctor took great care in testing me. I hope I can still stay healthy. As we grew older, the medical examination system changed. I think the waiting time is shorter than before. Even so, you should expect it to take half a day. It is displayed on the monitor even if the order of consultation is far apart. You can now check the information on your smartphone. I think it's convenient because the parking lot is in front of the hospital (charges apply) A considerable number of cars can be parked.

  • Miyuki Sato

    Miyuki Sato



najbliższy Szpital

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