医療法人 恵生会 南浜病院 en Niigata

Japón医療法人 恵生会 南浜病院



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4540 Shimamichō, Kita Ward, Niigata, 950-3102, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 25-255-2121
sitio web: k-seikai.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.9598075, Longitude: 139.1868857

comentarios 5

  • jojo takano

    jojo takano


    A friend of mine who suffered from a mental illness in another prefecture said he was scared to be hospitalized, so I wonder if there are people in the same situation. I'm writing this review to clear my image. It's a grassroots movement. I went to a clinic a few years ago and said, ``I want to be hospitalized because I don't want to cause trouble to my family,'' and I ended up staying there for a few months. Horror movies and suspense movies tend to give a negative impression, but I was impressed by the fact that I was never treated roughly, and the nurses were very kind to me. Just to be sure, this is not excessive kindness, but just medical kindness. But he was kind. I was discharged from the hospital early because my mental illness was caused by living in a group, but the hospital is bright and you can take a walk with permission from the doctor, and I think it's a very good environment for people who are overstimulated. There were recreational activities that I was free to participate in, and the fellow patients I met there were also very calm. It was difficult for me to go to the hospital due to the distance, so I was only admitted to the hospital, but thank you for your help. thank you very much.

  • 灼


    It has been about 5 years since I started working at your hospital. *I visited your clinic around 2018. Up until 2023, I had been admitted to hospital voluntarily and under medical care six times in total, but I had a lot of trust with my doctor, and he is a hard-working and compassionate psychiatrist who listens to my side's arguments. We also ask that you visit the hospital. Basically, you cannot change your attending physician. I was lucky. There is no such thing as looking down from above, and on the contrary, the teacher is humble. Even when I was in the hospital, I never heard any bad news from patients, so that's a good impression! He is a very popular attending physician, perhaps because he has a wide range of knowledge. If the consultation time is short, less than 10 minutes, it is assumed that the clinic is crowded. I think it is difficult for those who wish to attend the hospital to be turned down if they have a referral letter from another mental health clinic in advance, and from what I hear from inpatients, most of them come to Minamihama through referrals. How can I tell my doctor in a short time? ※What's up? Example answer to ・Chief complaint (symptoms that are currently bothering you about ①②③) ・Did you experience any side effects? ・Process of medication and psychotherapy ・Other requirements you would like to ask I think your visit will go more smoothly if you write it down on your smartphone or in a paper memo. Other than ⚠︎, long articles and personal experiences for inpatients⚠︎ ▽Things to be careful about when hospitalized▽ Although I only have experience in the south ward, I have experienced and seen a fair amount of trouble. I hope the following information is helpful. ・There are patients with various symptoms. *Dementia, delirium symptoms, kleptomania, etc.* Basic protection for yourself and the nurse When leaving the room, put your wallet, laundry card, and other valuables in a chest, have the door locked, carry it with you, and ask the nurse if you are worried. Please be sure to leave it with someone. It's a magical place where you don't know what's going on. ・If you feel like you are about to get into a fight with another patient, or if you are subjected to unreasonable behavior or violence, please be sure to call a nurse immediately and consult your doctor. Call your room or go directly to the nurse's station. The person doing the work is not aware of it and there is no need to apologize, but it is important to report it. This is a place for relaxation, so please be careful of noise pollution. I hope that people like JK who are as energetic as they are and laugh silly can be discharged from the hospital quickly. ・Smartphone or USB? Chargers (with 3 short cords) available for loan. If the room is full, there may not be enough spaces. In the unlikely event that you are unable to borrow one, you can bring your own and leave it at the nurse's station for charging. - One shared refrigerator for women and one for men was found on the 2nd floor of the south ward. Both men and women can enter and exit until the lights go out. There are some people who take other people's things from time to time. If you are concerned, you can leave up to 2 bottles of 500ml in the refrigerator at the nurse station. If you have drinks, you can leave them in your room. Calpis, diluted juice, etc. ・If your doctor does not give you permission to bring all liquids such as hand cream, you will be left at the nurse's station or returned to your companion. I wonder if it will work if I say "I want to use ◯◯" on the station's door controller. It depends on the person, but some people don't like cosmetics. Liquid lipstick, eyeliner, and mascara were OK. Powder type was fine, but 40ml of sunscreen and makeup base were kept... ・Door air conditioner is required as cleaning solution is required every time contacts are attached or removed. Some people may need permission to wear glasses, as they can be dangerous if they fall over. ▼Restrictions and prohibited items brought into the hospital▼ ・✖︎Hair dryer (rental available) Hair iron✖︎In some cases, heating appliances containing hot curlers are prohibited✖︎Normal curlers◎ ・Please be sure to remove the strings from your clothes or choose clothes without strings. Return or remove long strings (wired earphones, shoelaces, belts, hoodies, jerseys, pajama strings, etc.) immediately. Crocs type footwear and slip-on shoes are comfortable. Most people use earphones with wireless permission. ・✖︎Big mirrors at 100 yen stores are prohibited✖︎ Only one pact type or eyeshadow palette rectangular type◎ ・✖︎Bottles, glass, ceramics, breakable items, sharp items (many basic cosmetics, perfumes, cups)✖︎ Always use plastic containers. Many people prefer all-in-one types of basic cosmetics. Regardless of the season, your face and skin can become dry easily, so be careful. If the lip balm was solid, it would be ◎. ・A type of thin black hairpin or character hair clip that is normally used with a pointed tip ✖︎A simple hair clip with a rounded tip that you can see at a beauty salon OK *Individual differences may apply ・✖︎Regular razors with safety bars or shavers with soap are not allowed to be brought in.✖︎Sonic or electric shavers are often allowed. Hair removal creams are determined by each attending physician. Do not rent or borrow razors✖︎ ・Some people may be subject to restrictions on the number of piercings they may have. Especially around the mouth, tongue, and ears, we recommend replacing or closing industrial fittings. I can't bring in a pointed antenna helix, so I had to replace the ball. - Porcelain necklaces and bracelets are often prohibited. Anything that can be wrapped around it is not allowed. Some people may have to keep muffler towels and bath towels. ・✖︎Some bedding such as blankets and pillows, and scarves are not allowed to be brought in.✖︎In winter or cold weather, the nurses borrowed hospital blankets or hot water bottles. ・Please note that medicines and over-the-counter eye drops you bring in will not be allowed to be used unless they are checked by the pharmacy and approved by your doctor. - Laundry card errors are basically caused by damage caused by magnetism. Do not put it inside your smartphone cover or keep it away from the TV. It is recommended that you keep the receipt every time you buy a laundry card and do not throw it away, just in case something happens. I am currently undergoing drug and Chinese herbal therapy for developmental disorders (ADHD and ASD), depression, bipolar disorder, fear of dysmorphia, flashbacks, and other symptoms. I was groping around and by the time you introduced me here, I was already behind in my discovery. However, I sometimes panic because I have a constitution that doesn't respond well to medicines, but the outpatient nurses stay by my side, and if there is space available, they will let me wait in a separate room during my visit. In the south ward, there are a lot of nurses I know who looked after me with great care, and I feel at ease, and I've built a relationship of trust with them, so they're now comrades in arms. After 2023, I was told that voluntary hospitalization will be difficult in the south ward in the main building (four-person room, even with curtain partitions, I was shocked to hear that personal space guns were ignored and screaming was normal, and the bathroom was staffed by a guard and several people bathed at the same time). Those who are hospitalized are now in a period of patience as they have been told that they will not be admitted unless they have been hospitalized for at least three months. If I could at least use the shower room, I would be able to endure a four-person room...I heard from my colleagues that the nurses also handle salt, unlike the south ward, so I'm prepared for when I need to be taken care of in the main building due to sudden hospitalization... I think there are some people who feel the same way... If you have suicidal thoughts or plans, a nurse will be available 24 hours a day to provide phone consultation and record your medical records. There may be days when it is difficult to respond to emergencies or due to time zones, but please do not give up and try calling again on a different day or time. It would be great if someone noticed because it would get worse and I would end up being hospitalized without knowing why, but I wouldn't be able to choose the hospital and it would be a big deal, even if I begged. I apologize for my poor writing.

  • あめ



    I will write this honestly. The office staff was very easy to talk to. After thinking about various things, I called the hospital and was told that nothing would change, and that this hospital only accepts inpatients. The phone response was also hurtful, probably because I didn't like it or because it was a hassle. I'm so sorry that even a phone call hurt you while you were suffering from an illness. I started crying while I was on the phone, so I hung up to end the call. Even after that, I started hyperventilating, my hands were shaking, and I was in pain. Even if the nurses and other staff were good, even if the facilities were good, the way they treated me made me realize that this is the kind of place this hospital is. It is very disappointing. I think it would be better to consider the feelings of patients and other people a little more.

  • そのまま東



    This is a large psychiatry department with a spacious interior space that allows you to relax. There is no clear separation between the waiting room and the hallway, and there are chairs here and there so you can sit anywhere you like until your appointment. A music box plays from the ceiling, a large TV and an aquarium are installed, and the well-maintained courtyard provides a view of the sky, making it a relaxing place to spend time waiting for your doctor's appointment. The teachers, counselors, nurses, and receptionists are all humane, polite, and kind. Personally, I think this is the best in Niigata.

  • aoi



    My bedridden grandmother, who I have a close relationship with, is in the hospital. Although it was a precautionary measure, I was asked to come and visit him before he was hospitalized. There is no way we will be able to meet due to the coronavirus pandemic ← I am fully aware of this. I wish I could see your smile when I say your name Talk to the nurse and see if you can say your name and see a smile. I was planning to leave the decision to the nurse and follow the instructions, but I was told at the reception desk that I would be replaced by a counselor. My phone calls were also rejected, and I couldn't express my feelings. I could not do it. This is what happens when grandma doesn't have any relatives... Understand confidentiality obligations. I don't understand why the counselor doesn't even listen. He is the one who is lonely and suffering! A lonely grandmother. Do you know how painful it is? If mentioning a friend's name during treatment is a bad thing, then I can understand that. But I didn't listen to the story, I didn't listen to the nurse's instructions, I didn't listen to the doctor, and the counselor refused the call at his own discretion. I wanted to talk to the nurse... I don't even know if this person is safe. All I can do is pray. I'm still connected to my home phone, so it's okay for now. I just found out. I don't know if I will develop dementia in the future. You might not even know about me. I wish I could make my grandmother smile. that's fine I wonder if you don't understand the feelings of people who are lonely for the rest of their lives... I wanted to tell you that I'll see you again when I get out of the hospital. I love Yanagi◯Baba♡. From Mean Baako (p_q*) Because I can't meet you When I met my grandmother, the doctor, nurse, and others in the same room Treat me with a smile. Even if you just smile Because it makes me feel better ^_^ Well, with this kind of response, I felt like tomorrow would be mine. sad,,,

El hospital más cercano

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