Yamasaki Hospital en Hiroshima

JapónYamasaki Hospital


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1-chōme-24-9 Kaminukushina, Higashi Ward, Hiroshima, 732-0032, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-280-1234
sitio web: www.takamasa.or.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.4213981, Longitude: 132.5119155

comentarios 5

  • 鶴弦玉(ビハインド)



    It makes me feel like there's a lot going on inside the hospital...

  • がばがばちょ



    The guard is crazy

  • SUZUKI-, MRワゴン (MRワゴン)

    SUZUKI-, MRワゴン (MRワゴン)


    A hospital that is close to the community. That's what I'm thinking. They simply say that the patient has a mental illness, and refuse to accept the patient without understanding the patient's condition. In the past, there have been employees with abnormalities beyond those with mental illnesses. A reddish-brown-haired male caregiver slaps a bedridden patient's buttocks. Even though she just got a job, she is sitting cross-legged with a cigarette in her mouth as she commutes to work on a motorcycle with a disintegrated muffler. The untidy young woman who worked as a care worker became a nurse and had a big face. The act of crossing a traffic light makes me feel sick when I see it in my neighborhood 🌱 In any case, staff members who are serious and close to patients do not last long. In the general nurse's office. I was scared because I had a draft of my resignation letter and request for resignation prepared. He is said to be Ooku. There are probably very few hospitals where you can clearly see the difference between good and bad staff. Well, there were various reviews here and there, so the image was bad, but I wonder what's going on now.

  • kawahara “galileo70” kazunori

    kawahara “galileo70” kazunori


    It is an inpatient hospital with internal medicine, cardiovascular medicine, gastrointestinal medicine, respiratory medicine, neurology, rehabilitation medicine, and dentistry, so it is probably positioned as a base hospital for the Higashi-ku Onshin district. We are also responding to corona vaccination on Saturday. The building has been patched over and over again and is showing some signs of deterioration over time, but the staff and nurses were generally very responsive.

  • LOVE



    When visiting patients to prevent influenza, they are supposed to "gargle, wash their hands, and wear masks," but many of the employees had their masks pulled down to their chins, and many had their noses sticking out of their masks... The nurses were also not very responsive 😡😠

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