あずまクリニック (医)健康の風 en Hiroshima

Japónあずまクリニック (医)健康の風



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-8-1 Danbara, Minami Ward, Hiroshima, 732-0811, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-261-5500
sitio web: azuma-clinic-2022.localinfo.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.3904571, Longitude: 132.4763142

comentarios 5

  • s okm

    s okm


    I had a problem with my health checkup, so I went to see the doctor to discuss future treatment plans. As other people have said in their reviews, the director doesn't talk to me one-sidedly, but listens to me and gives me detailed explanations. I was reassured that the side effects of the medication were explained to me in detail. The nurses also spoke to me in a friendly manner and made me feel very welcome. I look forward to working with you again in the future if you need anything.

  • m mo

    m mo


    The director is always considerate of the patient's feelings. First of all, he listens to what I want to do, and then he suggests a treatment plan, so I have a lot of trust in him ^_^ I would like to continue working with him. I recommend this to anyone who is worried about their health and would like to be listened to properly. The nurse also talked to me in a friendly manner to help me relax while drawing blood. The work was done quickly and there was almost no waiting time.

  • ししこ



    The teacher is very calm and creates an atmosphere where you feel comfortable talking about anything. What do you do after making a proposal without deciding on a treatment plan? This is a very thorough examination! I always feel that way. Both the nurses and receptionists are very nice and kind!

  • ごめちゃん



    The doctors and nurses are kind, polite, and kind. I wasn't feeling well and had to go to the hospital for injections and laser treatment...I'm grateful that my condition has stabilized now. When you need medicine, you can rest assured that we can provide Chinese herbal medicine or something with fewer side effects. Thank you for your continued support.

  • n k

    n k


    It's been a year since I became the current director, and I have been indebted to him ever since. He listens to me kindly and the consultation time is very smooth. The nurses were also very caring and easy to talk to. The waiting area was also bright and calm. The parking lot was a little inside from the main street where the building is located, so it was difficult to find at first, but depending on the time there was plenty of space.

El hospital más cercano

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