Yamanogodai en Akita




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Ōdaishita-24-1 Taiheihatta, Akita, 010-1101, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 18-838-3939
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 39.7724929, Longitude: 140.2249595

comentarios 5

  • みるく



    I ate the fried chicken set meal, but the rice was so sticky and soft that I thought maybe I had made a mistake in cooking it... Is that softness something you experience every day? The portion is really large even for a normal portion, so I think it would be best for a woman to leave alone. All menu items come in large portions from the beginning. The price is low so it's a good deal! The taste was normal. I live in the mountains where there is no smartphone reception, so in the summer when I parked my car and opened it, there were 4 flies right inside the car. Horsefly? The bugs came in, and while I was driving home, the bugs kept coming out, which was a problem.

  • TAK Super

    TAK Super


    One of the big sacred places in the mountains of Taihei, Akita City. It's about a 30-minute drive from Akita Station, and in the summer you can enjoy the idyllic rural scenery, and in the winter you can enjoy the snow-covered landscape. In the large parking lot, there are also cars of expedition groups with out-of-prefecture license plates. Being out of range of my smartphone tickles my sense of adventure. Inside the restaurant, there are large tables where you can sit together, and tatami seats at long tables. Water is self-serve. Many regulars come here and have friendly conversations with the staff. Aigakedon is a half-and-half dish of curry and ginger grilled rice topped with kimchi as an accent. It's a normal portion, which is a large portion at a regular restaurant. The curry has a sweet roux and is light and easy to eat. The ginger-yaki on the other hand is so delicious that it makes you go crazy. The pork belly is simmered in a sweet sauce until the flavor permeates, and then it is placed on top of fluffy cooked rice.The fat from the pork belly and the sauce mix and spread to the bottom of the bowl, creating a dripping liquid that spreads over the rice. It's ingrained in me. We also recommend eating this as a single item, ``Ginger Yakidon''. The moment you take a bite of the rice bowl, which combines the flavor of the pork belly, sweet sauce, and rice, you will scream "delicious!" in your heart and won't be able to stop using your chopsticks. Even though your stomach is sending out signals that it's full after swallowing a large bowl of rice, your brain keeps craving this taste, and you keep eating even though it's painful. Even after you finish eating and feel like you're about to die, you'll still want to refill the food made by Yama Godai. Even though there's no way I can eat it, I can't resist the urge to order chomo or double chomo. It is truly a cooking drug that cannot be cured of addiction. Once you taste it, you'll be hooked. I can't stop salivating just by looking at the photos. The ``Stamina Don'' consists of sweet and spicy stir-fried pork topped with a half-boiled egg, and grated garlic on the edge of the bowl. The sweet and spicy sauce soaks into the rice, and when you mix it with the egg and garlic together with the meat, it transforms into a punchy, highly addictive chivalry meal. Even after I got home, the aftertaste of garlic still lingered. One of the popular menu items, the ``Meat Hot Pot Set Meal,'' is served in a hot pot that can accommodate three people. Made with white miso, the flavor of the oil from the pork belly comes out well. Ingredients include bean sprouts, Chinese cabbage, pork belly, eggs, wheat gluten, fried tofu, konjac, naruto, and green onions, all of which are well stewed and flavorful. The delicious soup made with these ingredients goes well with rice. Please put some rice on the lotus and scoop out some of the soup before eating. It's really delicious. Makes me want to be a cat and scratch it. If you're going to try your hand at eating chomo, you might want to try the meat hot pot set meal, which has delicious rice. After I drag myself through the pain and pay the bill, I end up thinking about when I'll come next. Yakiniku bowls and beef bowls from other restaurants may not taste as delicious, so it's best to be prepared when visiting. If you want something sweet, there are cheesecakes and fruits sold near the entrance. For those aiming to climb Chomo or Double Chomo, we recommend praying for victory at the nearby Miyoshi Shrine, which enshrines Miyoshi Reishin, a local deity of Akita and the god of sure victory, before attempting the summit.

  • Koji Kanda

    Koji Kanda


    Located in a remote location from the city center of Akita Literally five generations of mountains. A set meal restaurant run by a charming and pleasant father. The menu mainly consists of large portions, and everything is extraordinarily large. For those who are confident in their stomachs, we recommend that you try the Chomolangma portion.

  • 山和



    Stamina bowl 950 yen. Even if it's a normal size, there are large sizes available at other stores. My companion had a large stamina bowl for 1,200 yen. It's a complete special dish. About a year ago, I also appeared on "Omoumai Store." The Stamina bowl has a lot of meat and is topped with garlic, giving it a good taste. This store is located in the mountains, away from the Akita city area. It's a retro Showa era store, with the feel of an old drive-in. The fried chicken (900 yen) was crispy and delicious. There were also interesting menus such as the hormone set meal and meat hot pot set meal. W Chomolangma, such as Stamina Don, has 6 bowls of rice and costs an additional 800 yen. Chomolangma seems to cost an additional 300 yen for 3 bowls of rice. It seems that there is also a noodle double chomolangma and chomolangma. It's also nice that when you pay the fee at the end, you get two Happy Turns.

  • クラッチカラスコ



    Second visit. Stamina bowl large size 1,100 yen (900 yen + 200 yen) On my first visit, I ordered the ``Aigake-don regular size'', but since it was easy to eat, I ordered a large size this time. It was quite a portion, but I finished it. If you are someone who can eat a large bowl of ramen and half a bowl of fried rice, I think you can eat the entire meal. On top of the large size, there are chomolangma platters and double chomolangma platters, but I feel that the large platter is enough for a delicious meal.

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