Yamamura Hospital en Kochi

JapónYamamura Hospital



🕗 horarios

11 Shimojimacho, Kochi, 780-0934, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 88-872-5038
sitio web: www.yamamurakai.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5546857, Longitude: 133.507833

comentarios 5

  • 1999 delsol

    1999 delsol


    This website clearly states that the deadline is 6:00 pm, but the paper at the entrance says that fever is allowed until 5:00 pm.

  • あひてれちぇ



    The doctor's skills and nurses are very good. I regularly see a doctor for stiff shoulders etc. However, the receptionist is the worst no matter when I go. People look at me as unfriendly and troublesome. It's a waste because the teacher is good... The first thing I go to when I go to a hospital is the reception desk, but when I'm treated like that, I suddenly feel disgusted.

  • もも缶



    It was my first time visiting the hospital. I went for plastic surgery and everyone was so kind, including the doctors, nurses, and laboratory technicians. It was just as the reviews said☺️

  • ナターシャY



    Visited the hospital for treatment of ingrown toenails. It is supposed to close at 18:00, but it was closed at 17:55, and a sign at the entrance said that today's treatment had ended. If that's the case, I would like you to write down the last reception time. I understand that you want to go home early, but it's a pity that you won't be able to get there in a hurry. I was asked to come and disinfect, but I'm not sure if it's okay. Due to work commitments, I have to wait until the last minute, but if my treatment ends after 6:00 pm, the receptionist will obviously be a nuisance to me. It's a shame because the teacher's skills are good. I think it's okay if you have plenty of time off on weekdays. I don't think so, so I don't think I'll go there in the future.

  • さくらさく



    For influenza vaccination I only go there once a year That's all. I don't really like the people at the reception. While writing, I noticed that hospital reception The response is The good thing is, I wonder if there isn't one...

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