Kochi Kagamigawa Hospital en Kochi

JapónKochi Kagamigawa Hospital



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270 Jōyamachō, Kochi, 780-8037, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 88-833-4328
sitio web: www.kagamigawa-hp.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5506373, Longitude: 133.5113768

comentarios 5

  • とあるコレクター



    When I developed obsessive-compulsive disorder, I wanted to see a doctor as soon as possible, so I went to see a psychiatrist, Dr. Kamakura, for the first time. (Many other famous hospitals had difficulty accepting patients on the same day even if they wanted to have their first consultation.) After listening to this story while taking notes, I was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder. I felt reassured that I received sound advice. If there are no problems with the way you speak, you may be able to see a doctor without any problems.

  • し


    For now, please learn how to handle the phone. Feeling like eating People who are not used to it will hate going to the hospital.

  • ああ



    I usually see Dr. Kamakura and he is a very good doctor. However, since I couldn't take time off, I went to see Dr. Omoto, but he talked in a way that made me laugh and didn't want to listen to what I had to say.I didn't want to see Dr. Omoto anymore because he didn't want to listen to me and said things like it was all my fault. Ta. If you are going to this hospital, I think it would be best to go on a Tuesday or Thursday. It was the worst.

  • 渡邉聖人



    Before my appointment, I was worried because of the reviews. After the examination, I felt relieved and said, "Huh? It's 5 stars..." Even though it was a sudden response, they responded in a kind and courteous manner. Dr. K was also very kind and made me feel at ease. thank you

  • リタヒロナ



    Kamakura Sensei's response is the worst. At first he listened to me, but when he told me that I would be going to the hospital all the time, he told me to find a place to stay on my own. Even if you request a medical examination, they will not examine you. He's the worst doctor. Going to the hospital will only make it worse. Let's stop it

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