Yamada Udon en Machida

JapónYamada Udon



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-54-18 Nishinaruse, Machida, Tokyo 194-0044, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 42-724-0745
sitio web: www.yamada-udon.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.5433006, Longitude: 139.467735

comentarios 5

  • MOMO



    I'm so happy that it's open early. I had a stir-fried meat and vegetable set meal. The taste was good and the vegetables were nice and crunchy, but I was disappointed that there was less meat than at the bento shop. Thank you for the meal🙏

  • 独身男の独り言



    We had stir-fried vegetables, udon noodles, and red punch (stewed spicy motsu). Stir-fried vegetables are very filling. The udon noodles are delicious with a touch of Kanto soy sauce. It was also delicious to add red punch here to make it spicy.

  • チキチキ義則



    I've been having Yamada Udon for probably 15 years. Since I was tired from a late dinner, I ordered the set that was written in front of me. A limited set on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, the name is the super special Yamada set! Too much for me. I was full. The best thing about udon is the aroma and taste of soy sauce. Udon doesn't have a waist, but it's Kanto udon that I've been eating since I was a child...? Lately, I've been eating a lot of chewy udon like Sanuki udon, so it felt strangely nostalgic. Also, the motsuni was delicious. Personally, I like the old feel of the store. The interior of the store is not too bright due to the fluorescent lights...To put it bluntly, it feels a little dark, reminiscent of the end of the Showa era and the beginning of the Heisei era. I gave it 3 stars for the atmosphere, but personally I gave it 5 stars. I think the clerk's sister is also a little older than me. Kind and good impression.

  • がさじ



    Arrived 50 minutes before closing on weekends. The inside of the store was dark, the outside lights were off, and the entrance was blocked off with a banner, suggesting the store was closed. I timidly asked, ``Are you doing this?'' I entered the dimly lit store. The staff seemed to be bothered after cleaning up the menu. I heard that the last order is 30 minutes before closing. When I was leaving the store, the streamers were in the way, making it difficult to leave the store.The store didn't have a good feel. Large parking lot. Good location. Staff not smiling.

  • Hasintha Silva

    Hasintha Silva


    Delicious meal. Portions are big. Friendly price

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