Yamabiko i Kyoto




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒604-0081 Kyoto, Nakagyo Ward, Tanakachō, 丸太町通西洞院東入田中町122
kontakter telefon: +81 90-1892-4349
internet side: www.suji-curry.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.0172762, Longitude: 135.755106

kommentar 5

  • JollyDoodle



    Absolutely delicious. The best curry on the scene. The food is amazing and the owners are super friendly and talkative. They don't speak English but love when people come in and talk with them. Give this place a go when you're visiting Kyoto!

  • Spencer Moore

    Spencer Moore


    Authentic and delicious local udon! I recommend the curry udon if you’re adventurous or the tempura udon if more conservative!

  • Emily Neidert

    Emily Neidert


    Delicious food and incredibly nice service. We were reading the Japanese menu outside and translating with our phones, and someone came out to give us an English menu. Perfect lunch stop walking from Nijo Castle to the imperial palace.

  • Sheila Flood

    Sheila Flood


    Small very friendly Kyoto restaurant between Nijo Castle and the Imperial Palace. Good service and reasonable prices. Staff are excellent and speak English. Curry specialty.

  • Bronwen MacRae

    Bronwen MacRae


    Food was good and well priced. Service was friendly. Really enjoyed the katsudon. Only negative was the curry udon which was generally gooey with unidentifiable meat the texture of which was indistinguishable from the rest of the goo.

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