Yaizu maru w Shizuoka

JaponiaYaizu maru



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1544-3 Kozeto, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 421-1225, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-295-9105
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 34.9794855, Longitude: 138.2921112

komentarze 5

  • ć²ćƒ¼ć½ć



    Skipjack must be cut into thick pieces. I thought so and tried eating it. Even though it was this thin, it was quite filling. Maybe it's because it's a big bonito and grilled with straw? I think I wanted a little more food. It's a good thing that SA seafood costs less than 1,000 yen.

  • å‚ęœ¬ę „ę²»

    å‚ęœ¬ę „ę²»


    I ate Yaizu Seafood Mazesoba. I've had mazesoba before, but this was my first time with seafood. It comes with rice, but the toppings go well with the rice. This is delicious with a variety of seafood, but the mazesoba has less soup, so the ingredients get stuck in the noodles, and it feels like it gets stuck in your throat. It would be nice if I could eat it a little more easily.

  • ćƒ•ćƒ¼ćƒŸćƒ³



    We stopped by this restaurant in the Shizuoka SA food court for lunch and ordered seafood mazesoba for me, and a mini whitebait bowl and mini soba set for my wife. I had planned a hearty dinner and was planning on having a light lunch, but the sauce for the seafood mazesoba was rich in flavor and oily, and it came with a small piece of rice, so I felt more full than I expected. For a light meal, the mini whitebait bowl and mini soba set were the perfect size. The taste is both good and bad, but people from the Kansai area may find it a little strong.

  • čµ¤ć„å½—ę˜Ÿć®ć‚·ćƒ£ć‚¢ćƒ»ć‚¢ć‚ŗćƒŠćƒ–ćƒ«



    Baked green onion toro bowl 1,380 yen It was so goodāœØ I also caught the Federation's Operation VāœØ

  • Asshi Photo

    Asshi Photo


    A shop inside the food court. I ordered seafood mazesoba. The noodles are soba and come with small rice. After a while, the bell rang and I went to pick it up. When I received it, I was asked to stir it well. It seems like the sauce is collecting at the bottom. On top of the soba are bonito flakes, whitebait, sakura shrimp, green onions, eggs, tempura, and green onions, so mix them together. It comes with a spoon, so use it. What do you think about mixed soba noodles? My impression is that the sauce didn't mix well, but it would be delicious if it was mixed properly. It has a fairly strong and deep flavor. When you finish eating the noodles, add the rice and mix with the remaining ingredients before eating. This was also delicious.

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