Yachiyo in Kyoto




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Japan, 〒606-8435 Kyoto, Sakyo Ward, Nanzenji Fukuchichō, Nanzenji Garden Ryokan Yachiyo 京都市左京区南禅寺福地町34
kontakte telefon: +81 75-771-4148
webseite: ryokan-yachiyo.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.0110176, Longitude: 135.7887958

kommentare 5

  • Nathan Lee

    Nathan Lee


    Yachiyo is a very nice hotel with the kindest perks serving you. The rooms packed in size only due to your own huge private onsen. The neighborhood it is in is serene and beautiful.

  • A Krug

    A Krug


    We stayed in a first floor room with a private bath tub and it was a very nice experience. The property is definitely dated, but it has a nice antique charm if you’re into that sort of thing. The dinner and breakfast were pretty good. It consisted of traditional Kyoto small plates and was tasty, but not anything mind blowing. The real highlight is being located in Nanzen-ji however. It is a very quiet part of the city and the temple is beautiful. Definitely worth the experience one time.

  • Teh celup

    Teh celup


    I personally love the staff. The receptionist guy was awkwardly funny and that's the best part of it. However, the place is vintage which depends on your perspective on how you perceive it. Overall, it was a nice experience and unforgettable one.

  • Sushi Sue

    Sushi Sue


    Some of these reviews would have you think that this is the worst ryokan in Kyoto. If you are looking for modern and renovated accommodations, this is not for you. Yes, the property is dated. Yes, the floor and walls have stains. Yes, the bathroom is small like those on a cruise ship or trailer. But the staff are friendly (especially the front desk and restaurant staff), the yudofu/tofu breakfast is delicious, and the baths can be privately reserved which is not common. It is a little pricy given its location away from the center of Kyoto, but my family thoroughly enjoyed our stay. If you’re looking for a traditional, Japanese atmosphere and are not picky about modern furnishings and spotlessness, give this place a try. It may not be exceptional in every way, but the food, baths, and service are pretty great. Note: breakfast and dinner is served in the restaurant, not in-room. This confused us on the first day because the other ryokans we stayed at always served us in-room.

  • Nikhil Popat

    Nikhil Popat


    If you are looking for a modern digitally advanced hotel, this is not for you. And that's fine! But this ryokan is absolutely lovely. It felt authentic, the room was gorgeous (stayed in the room with its own private cypress bath), and the food was resplendent. It is on the slightly pricier side, but it felt amazing to experience something so authentic. They are also able to cater to vegetarians in their restaurant which is a big plus :)

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