Hotel Grand Fine Kyoto Okazaki in Kyoto

JapanHotel Grand Fine Kyoto Okazaki



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Sonntag24 stunden geöffnet
Montag24 stunden geöffnet
Dienstag24 stunden geöffnet
Mittwoch24 stunden geöffnet
Donnerstag24 stunden geöffnet
Freitag24 stunden geöffnet
Samstag24 stunden geöffnet
53-11 Awadaguchi Toriichō, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8436, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 75-771-1031
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.0103586, Longitude: 135.7853773

kommentare 5

  • Tommy D

    Tommy D


    Amazing Love Hotel, I highly recommend for couple is the best in Kyoto! Great rooms!

  • Ron A

    Ron A


    Don't listen to the other negative reviews about this hotel. Some people will complain about the smallest insignificant things. Has ample parking, the rooms are large and well appointed, great value for money. Try finding a room of this size in Kyoto or Tokyo at this price. Nice spa bath, large shower area, slot machine, big tv, drink dispensing fridge all included. This is a love hotel so make sure your expectations are in check! Was really pleasantly suprised at this hotel when I opened the door.

  • Kay



    Love this hotel! Stayed here for 2 nights and great location and walkable for most attractions and Gion corner. Absolutely loved the facilities they have in here. Friendly staff who checked in here and the process was very quick. When we opened the room, it was a big surprise. It was looking like a luxury studio apartment. Has seperate toilets and seperate bathroom with spa bath. All the good quality soaps, shampoos and batch salts provided. When we walked in the main room, it was whole lot of surprises with exclusive bar vending machines, other vending machine, poker machine, massager, etc. Had so many details. We throughly enjoyed the stay here. It’s highly recommended place for couples.

  • Paul Hernandez

    Paul Hernandez


    We were surprised upon entering the hotel as there was an actual person there to assist us. The hotels some of our fam and friends stayed at had virtual receptionists. The look, feel and atmosphere are older, but keep clean and pristine. It was actually a nice difference. The rooms are clean with all the amenities (coffee, fridge, TV, etc.) and the staff was polite and accommodating. Overall nice experience for a couple as they have a “no kid” policy.

  • Jeffrey Bahr

    Jeffrey Bahr


    Not exactly what I expected from the pictures and reviews. The staff who checked me in we're not super friendly like I've experienced at other hotels in Japan. The hotel was obviously setup for people looking for a more exotic experience. There were a number of sex related products throughout the room as well a vending machine and slot machine. The bed actually wasn't very comfortable and the bathroom was extremely cramped. The experience was tolerable for the night I was there but I wouldn't want to stay any longer. It may be fine for many guests but know what you're getting before you reserve a room.

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