信州 そば野 伊丹イオンモール店 en Itami

Japón信州 そば野 伊丹イオンモール店



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒664-0847 Hyogo, Itami, Fujinoki, 1-chōme−1−1 イオンモール伊丹 337
contactos teléfono: +81 72-771-2992
sitio web: www.gourmet-kineya.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7812353, Longitude: 135.4221908

comentarios 5

  • はんきゅう



    My family used it. Although it was a busy time, it was a little less crowded than the surrounding shops. The photo is wasabi soba. The customer service from the staff is wonderful. I look like you have blonde hair, but if your order overlaps with another customer's request, your order will be processed immediately, so could you please wait a little while? It was amazing to see him put so much thought into it and then do it.

  • 芦田悠佑



    This was my first time here, and I really liked the atmosphere of the store and the music that was playing inside. I ordered the eel and toro rice set meal. It was very delicious. The eel was so delicious that my cheeks almost fell off. Pickles are also great. Please stop by once 👍

  • Ikeda Hiroshi (いけちゃん)

    Ikeda Hiroshi (いけちゃん)


    A soba shop on the 2nd floor of Aeon Mall I want to eat soba for lunch I used it. Yamakake soba and mini tempura bowl set It was delicious♪ You can choose the size of the bowl and the amount of soba I'm even more happy Maybe I didn't realize that I could choose 😅 It was lunch time on a weekday, so I was able to relax.

  • ai



    Zaru soba and Tsuke soba are free for up to 2 half balls. This is a restaurant where the leaf wasabi soba is delicious. After eating zaru soba, they will bring you sobayu.

  • haria_k



    It's a spacious and calm shop. It was around 1pm on a weekday, but it seemed busy. However, the food was served very quickly. All the dishes are delicious and very satisfying♪ The clerk was also kind. I will go again!

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