BigBoy Sonoda en Toyonaka

JapónBigBoy Sonoda



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2-chōme-16-82 Tokuranishi, Toyonaka, Osaka 561-0844, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6863-7228
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7583164, Longitude: 135.452832

comentarios 5

  • 広瀬淡淡



    It may be difficult to park your car because it is near an intersection, but this is also my experience. It's fine once you get used to it. I have lunch with a salad bar and drink bar. Reliable taste and service. Our employees work hard. Also, on another day, I used this restaurant's unique morning service. Thick-sliced ​​toast, a small salad, and a drink bar. 385 yen per person is reasonable.

  • 지은성 (지은성)

    지은성 (지은성)


    The con soup and salad were the most delicious. The hamburger was hard and you could tell right away that the meat wasn't of good quality.

  • すぎぴ



    I want to eat steak! I want to eat lots of vegetables too! So I went there for lunch. Rib roast steak 200g, premium set. The meat was tender and delicious. I chose turmeric rice for the rice. I thought it would go really well with the curry, but if I ate the curry, the steak would be overpowered by the curry and I would end up with a mouthful of curry, so I held back. I'm glad I was able to eat a lot of vegetables.

  • シンイチ(シンさん)



    I went to my local BigBoy for lunch for the first time in many years. During lunch time, there are many families and the store is quite crowded. I was so excited. That's fine, but the mom friends who came here were so absorbed in talking that they left their kids alone and ran around inside the store. There is no atmosphere where you can eat calmly... I'd like to go for lunch, but I don't think the atmosphere will make it possible.

  • nicholas calfacacos

    nicholas calfacacos


    Nice salad bar great authentic burger

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