Tsuruhashi Fugetsu en Itami

JapónTsuruhashi Fugetsu



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒664-0847 Hyogo, Itami, Fujinoki, 1-chōme−1−1 イオンモール伊丹 3F
contactos teléfono: +81 72-784-3678
sitio web: fugetsu.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7809465, Longitude: 135.4241084

comentarios 5

  • タカタカ



    It was my first time trying out a restaurant with a griddle with my kids. The staff will grill it for you. I'm very impressed with how good it is! Even though there is a lot of cabbage, it is fluffy and delicious! It was really delicious and great. I had some trouble at the cash register when I was paying, but I was impressed by how kind and polite the staff were. Also, this is a store I definitely want to visit. Thank you for the meal.

  • あいai



    This is a style where the okonomiyaki is grilled right in front of you, but the sound of the metal grinding against each other is so loud that it's annoying, and if you do it that many times a day, you're worried that the metal will peel off and you'll eat it. I keep coming back and getting asked questions and getting restless. You should ask in advance when ordering. Add a little bit of bonito flakes, flip it over, add it later, and don't try it yourself. Aonori, only one gang. The sauce is thick and spicy, and you can't choose mayonnaise, so I personally think it's best to tell them in advance if you want less salt, sugar, and health considerations. Although the prices are high, the portions and toppings are small and uniform. I regret that I should have researched it before entering the store. I thought the Tonpeiyaki would be expensive considering it only had eggs and pork, so I ordered it because it was healthy, but I was surprised at how small and thin it was. The taste is also average It's already cooked, not in front of you. Please write it down. Although it costs about 200 yen compared to okonomiyaki, it doesn't make you hungry and is not cost effective.

  • つちつち



    Perfectly arranged with great care Bake for a long time until browned Turn it over easily Beautiful gradation and plenty of sauce

  • アメフト好きのマサ



    Entered the store at 8:20pm. Although it was a Friday night, it was very busy, with many families visiting. The store staff's response is wonderful. They're fast, they're attentive, and most importantly, everyone's in good spirits. Last orders were handled cheerfully without any suspicious response, and the delivery speed was quick, probably due to the quick coordination. Everyone makes sure that the okonomiyaki is not burnt, and goes around each table talking to the customers. To be honest, I didn't expect it to go this far, and it was a great surprise 👏 Thank you for the meal. I'll come back later.

  • 中村徹



    It was reopened on April 8th. Our staff will bake your food from scratch right in front of you. Kansai-style okonomiyaki is a type of okonomiyaki in which the batter and ingredients are mixed together. The taste is stable and the customer service is appropriate.

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