Cafe Restaurant Natura en Kawasaki

JapónCafe Restaurant Natura



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1 Nisshincho, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0024, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 44-221-2134
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.5302769, Longitude: 139.6967451

comentarios 5

  • 石川啓



    I visited for dinner for the first time in several years because the buffet was collaborating with a famous restaurant in Kawasaki. It's a bit disappointing that the first thing you notice when looking at the night view from the window is Kawasaki Big's bright yellow signboard... All of the famous restaurant collaboration menus were delicious, but about half of the menus seemed to be from the regular menu. I also felt like I wanted everything to be a collaboration menu.

  • つりー



    Located on the 10th floor of Nikko Hotel. I used it at the lunch buffet. The inside of the store is quiet and calm. There are many items. delicious! ! There are a lot of seats, so 10 people used it. I was able to secure a number of seats. You may smoke in the smoking area outside the store.

  • D80



    I took advantage of the all-you-can-drink course. On the day of the event, there was a pamphlet on the table with information about dishes made with Kanagawa's special products. The buffet style had a wide variety of dishes, from meat to fish, salads to desserts, and everything was delicious. As it is a popular restaurant, the seats were almost full.

  • Alexandra Kim

    Alexandra Kim


    Lunch buffet was ¥3400 including one wine from ikyu restaurant. And All staffs are nice. 10f view was not bad. But the food quality is..

  • Julio Munoz

    Julio Munoz


    4th floor Nikki Hotel.

Cafetería más cercano

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