希満里 i Kochi




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1-chōme-6-21 Ōtesuji, Kochi, 780-0842, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 88-821-0800
internet side: www.ooriya.co.jp
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Latitude: 33.5626084, Longitude: 133.5411384

kommentar 5

  • Saori O

    Saori O


    I came to Kochi on a business trip and wanted to try delicious sashimi and bonito tataki, so when I asked about it, the landlady came out of the way and said, ``This (Lord's Gozen ¥2,750 included) is better! It’s luxurious because it comes with meat!” Even though I didn't ask for meat, I was forced to eat it. A staff member who appeared to be a foreigner laughed and said, "It's a little expensive, though." ? ? ? ? Ordered the Princess Gozen (¥1,950 included). Although it looked like there were a lot of items, it was a poor meal, like a child's lunch. The vinegared food was too sour and smelled like a rag... The soup was also very salty. The inside of the store looks like an office, and there are documents, flyers, newspapers, magazines, and reservation slips with personal information visible from the customer seats. Mountains, mountains, mountains…. The staff spoke in whispers within earshot distance. Cough loudly and loudly! Where did you vomit phlegm? I waited for a while because only the landlady seemed to be able to pay the bill, but the details were unclear and I think the price was higher than what was listed on the menu. It was only a few dozen yen, but I felt it was a shame. When I was leaving, a staff member who seemed to be a foreigner said to me, ``Bye bye customer, thank you, I've been waiting for you.'' But I don't think I'll be going back... Overall, it was a strange store.

  • OK Google.

    OK Google.


    This is a restaurant that I cannot recommend. As others have written, if you bring someone with you, it will be a great shame. I went with two friends. I ordered two draft beers, but there was white floating material floating at the bottom of both glasses. This is a sign that you haven't cleaned it properly. Even when I asked the waiter for food or drinks, he would always say, ``Excuse me, I'll ask,'' and go back to check every time I ordered. After waiting for a while, they said, "No, there isn't one." What does the menu mean? I ordered a fillet steak for 3,500 yen, but it came with several slices of meat and vegetables, and I had to grill it myself. This is just yakiniku. The fire went out while the meat was grilling, and no matter how many times I called to get a new one, it never came. As expected, the acquaintance who was with me was shocked and said, ``Let's just leave and have another drink at another restaurant.'' I only ate one slice of meat and left it immediately. (It's a waste though...) An acquaintance complained a little about the store, saying, ``I don't think they have this,'' but Mr. Nakai apologized and said, ``I'm sorry because I'm the only (employee) there.'' The price doesn't match the food, and there's no written menu. The third dish was the tomato seafood salad recommended by Mr. Nakai. Boiled tomatoes are sprinkled on top of mayonnaise. When I scooped it up with a spoon, I found a little bit of squid inside the tomato. In the end, the bill was just over 7,000. 4 drinks and 3 dishes. When the landlady saw that I had left the meat uneaten, she said, ``Please eat some good meat yaki,'' but when my acquaintance refused, saying, ``I can't eat delicious meat anymore,'' she apologized. He gave me 5,000 yen. The quality felt like it was expensive even for 5,000 yen. I've been to a lot of izakayas in Kochi, but this one was so bad that I decided to write about it here. Maybe they put more effort into it at banquets, etc., but I wrote what I felt at that time. I really don't want to write this. I just wanted to eat delicious food and drink alcohol. I know this is a difficult time due to the coronavirus, but please do your best. (It can't be helped because it's the coronavirus. The level was unbelievable.) I won't go there again, but I hope it improves even a little.




    We went with a dog, a child (an infant), and two adults. My family travels to various places once a month. I think we probably received the best hospitality ever. Many people seem to point out in reviews that the facilities are old, but it is more like a long-established hotel with a Showa era feel. Equipped with Wi-Fi, family bath (dogs are allowed in the changing room), changing room, and meals in a private room (3 family members and 1 dog in a place that can seat 10 or more people) Best of all, all of the facilities are dog-friendly. People with infants and dogs will especially notice this. I don't see many fully indoor hotels where you can take so much care from a child's perspective or a dog's perspective.

  • リキマル



    It really sucked. The food comes out late. Later, when I asked for something on the menu, it always said, "Sorry, we don't have that at the moment." We ate together for two people, but I didn't receive a receipt when I paid, so I realized later that the price was very high.When I asked for the bill, I was told that the appetizer was only 2,500 yen for two people. thing. What came out with the appetizer was just about four pieces of sugai on top. It was an incredible amount, and it said that those who also used this hotel would get a 10% discount, so isn't this applicable? When I asked him about this, he grumbled, ``Holidays are not covered.'' (There is no mention of that at all) It was stated that guests staying at the hotel would get a free refill of white rice, but when I ordered it and looked at the statement, I saw that an additional 100 yen had been taken. During this interaction, the landlady was always in a bad mood and was the worst towards the customers. This is a store I don't want to go to again. It's a shame because the hotel was cheap.

  • ほむ



    A very disappointing lunch experience. The Nakai-san had a very soft demeanor and made a very good impression, but everything else was not good. First of all, the inside of the store is very cluttered. There are a lot of unnecessary items and it doesn't look clean. It takes too long to serve food. It took about 30 minutes from the time I ordered until the daily set meal was served. The daily set meal is 780 yen, and the grilled fish set meal is 800 yen, but on this day, the grilled fish was dried horse mackerel. The dried horse mackerel, which is more expensive than the daily set meal, is a disappointment. I ordered a single item of Dorome, but the Dorome was not new and had a mushy texture. I felt that this was not at the level that could be found in a store. The after-dinner coffee was nice with cute decorations. The landlady used a calculator to calculate the bill, but it was so uncertain that it was hard to trust it. I didn't have a good impression of the landlady, but I thought the Nakai was very good.

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