フライボックス i Kochi



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1-chōme-8-12 Ōtesuji, Kochi, 780-0842, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 88-825-0744
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Latitude: 33.5614039, Longitude: 133.5393112

kommentar 4

  • flystar bee

    flystar bee


    "It's a relaxing bar that's only known to those in the know and is open until the morning." If we are closed on Sunday and Monday is a holiday, we will be open on Sunday and closed on Monday. Is it true that the store opens? It's midnight. But it's getting later, starting around 1pm at the beginning of the week, and even later on weekends (*_*). It might be a good idea to call before you go. *I have updated what I previously wrote with the latest information.

  • ああ



    I come here when I want to drink more after drinking till morning. Everything about this place is wonderful and important, such as the master's gentle speaking tone and the bright atmosphere outside.

  • Sho Matsu

    Sho Matsu


    It's a paradise for drinkers who drink until midnight, and for everyone after work. It is a wonderful space where you will be welcomed by a friendly master.

  • 小鉄



    Always thank you for your help.

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