coccolo i Kochi




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒780-0870 Kochi, Honmachi, 1-chōme−1−11 セントラルパークビル 2F
kontakter telefon: +81 88-823-1232
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.5601569, Longitude: 133.539776

kommentar 5

  • 浩之(ラーメンラクダ)



    Lunch pasta includes a choice of types and fresh pasta. The salad dressing for the appetizer is delicious.The vegetables are also fresh. The atmosphere is nice and people come here for a relaxing lunch.

  • Jen Mcgregor

    Jen Mcgregor


    Very cosy and beautiful place, lovely good food, brings me to Italy back to Europe. Would recommend, will go again

  • ひなりん



    I had a special lunch. Everything from the appetizers to the dolce was delicious. The grilled chicken and sauce were both delicious, and the vegetables that came with it had a rich flavor.

  • sachi



    It was my first time visiting this restaurant, but the reviews for lunch were good, so my husband and I made a reservation for a dinner course for my birthday. All the dishes were delicious. The restaurant had a nice atmosphere, and we enjoyed the course meal while drinking alcohol and having a relaxed conversation. The course meal took about 2 hours from start to finish. It was very satisfying. The chef came out at the time of payment and was very nice. I've never been there for lunch, but it's recommended for those who want to have a relaxing dinner.

  • ちかふじ



    Second visit. I received today's lunch set (¥1380). Salad + mini soup + quiche on the appetizer plate. Next was bread, and the main fresh pasta (you can choose from two types. The white fish and turnip tomato sauce I had this time was delicious) and a drink and dessert (tea crème brûlée). I think it's just the right amount for women. I also like that you can choose the type of pasta. Personally, the soup (pumpkin potage that day) was so delicious that the mini-sized portion was not enough. I wanted to drink more. The restaurant has a calm atmosphere, so you can spend your lunch time leisurely. Rather than a large group...I guess it's more of a relaxed atmosphere with a small group or one person. It was delicious. I'll visit you again.

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