XEX West i Osaka

JapanXEX West



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒530-0001 Osaka, Kita Ward, Umeda, 2-chōme−2−22 ハービスエント 7F
kontakter telefon: +81 6-4795-0065
internet side: www.tablecheck.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6995837, Longitude: 135.4940831

kommentar 5

  • Eli Cieslak

    Eli Cieslak


    It was a fantastic buffet. We reserved online so it was only ¥4900 per person for the lunch buffet. Everything tasted great and was really high quality. The staff are professional and the atmosphere is comfortable. We really took our time and appreciated every dish. I recommend!

  • Lauren Walker

    Lauren Walker


    Bad service and extortionate bar and service fees which are not communicated before sitting and ordering. We didn’t eat so I can’t comment on the food but the service, drink quality and comfort are not worth the high fees they will surprise you with once you leave after week. We paid 10,000 for 2 beers, a non alcoholic cocktail and a margarita to give you an idea.

  • Mudai



    Elegant, fashionable, and splendid. The Italian course was palatable. The whole experience was a delight.

  • Halevych Li

    Halevych Li


    Place with amazing atmosphere. music is playing. There is a lounge area. delicious italian food. excellent service. Big choice for vine

  • Allan McDaniel

    Allan McDaniel


    XEX West is a masterpiece of an establishment. 3 restaurants synchronized and beautifully organized. The cuisine choice will definitely impress. Especially if you are out on the Terrace. Lovely view. Will definitely return.

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