Taiyō No Tou - Green West shop i Osaka

JapanTaiyō No Tou - Green West shop



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-4-36 Nakazakinishi, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0015, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6131-4400
internet side: taiyounotou.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.7068289, Longitude: 135.5020654

kommentar 5

  • Brandon H

    Brandon H


    Cute cafe! Chicken over rice was pretty good.

  • Sarraa Alasady

    Sarraa Alasady


    Amazing staff, absolutely delicious drinks and sweets!

  • Carmel Danielle

    Carmel Danielle


    This place is adorable! The seating arrangements are comfortable and perfect for both cozy and dress up. I spilled my drink while it was full and they completely remade it for me in record time for no charge. The staff are extremely cute and helpful. The food was ridiculously good and presented really well. I’m definitely making this a regular place.

  • Samuel Jackson

    Samuel Jackson


    A great place to spend the afternoon with a cup of tea, a piece of chocolate cake and a book. Highly recommend!

  • Jit Sandhu

    Jit Sandhu


    This nice little hidden place down the back streets is prefect for a chilled little lunch catch up. The food doesn’t look Super photogenic but it is tasty and you’ll find dishes with a Hawaiian twist to add a little something unexpected. You should definitely try the cakes as they are almost a work of art, which explained why they took quite Long to arrive after ordering as the staff had to hand prepare the amazing patterns for each one.

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