Cafe Fate i Osaka

JapanCafe Fate



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-6-16 Honjōhigashi, Kita Ward, Osaka, 531-0074, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6377-7775
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7122164, Longitude: 135.5102168

kommentar 5

  • Kevin Kong

    Kevin Kong


    The french toast is delightful & perfect service.

  • Steve Ellis

    Steve Ellis


    A really nice little cafe in Osaka, we stopped by for brunch and had amazing French toast with ice coffee. They have English menus and the lady who works there (the owner?) was super nice and spoke English. She also makes the French toast fresh when you order so you’ll need to wait about 15 minutes but it’s totally worth it!

  • on the water

    on the water


    Takes time to be served but their heavenly french toast is worth trying

  • seraxy



    Small little cafe, you need to be patient to wait for the food to come out, it takes a while to cook the French toast and it seems there’s only one staff working so the service may be slow but totally worth the try! A really different kind of French toast from what I used to eat in the States!

  • 우주의선율



    Good chef, coffee and toast. The song was carol it makes me happy. The toast was very sweet and soft.

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