XEX 代官山 en Shibuya-ku

JapónXEX 代官山



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Japan, 〒150-0033 Tōkyō-to, Shibuya-ku, Sarugakuchō, 11−1, ラ・フェンテ代官山 3F
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3476-0065
sitio web: www.xexgroup.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6500516, Longitude: 139.702288

comentarios 5

  • Jon Monsanto

    Jon Monsanto


    The balcony is the best spot

  • en

    Alec Asgari


    Great location, Hall staff and food was great! But the bartender doesn’t know about hospitality!

  • en

    Sebastian Madden


    I took my girlfriend here for our anniversary and it ended up being our favourite experience in Tokyo! Food was amazing and location was really cool!

  • en

    William moore


    Xex had three distinct areas, a bar (with rooftop terrace), an Italian and a sushi restaurant. When booking you have to select one of these (however you can use bar before or after your food if there is space). The Sushi restaurant is a great place for a nice dinner. The style is a mix of modern and traditional, with modern decor but kimono clad waitresses. Service is excellent and the food is really high quality. They also serve some otsumame and cooked items I highly recommend the hotate and kani nigiri.. There is a good selection of sake and which, and as xex has the bar and Italian on the same floor you can also get an extensive range of wines, whisky's and other drinks....and nice Italian coffee (but you have to ask).

  • Evan Tang

    Evan Tang


    Great ambiance and location. Italian lunch at ¥2,100 (something like that) with buffet appetizers is great when the weather is nice and you can sit on the patio.

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