Blue Note Tokyo en Minato City

JapónBlue Note Tokyo



🕗 horarios

6-chōme-3-16 Minamiaoyama, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0062, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5485-0088
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6612139, Longitude: 139.7162296

comentarios 5

  • Jon Bower

    Jon Bower


    You can come here and have a really good experience, or a really bad one so it's important to know what you're getting yourself into. The setup of this place is a lot like their sister club, Cotton Club Marounuchi. If you get one of the tables on the higher level, around the perimeter, you're going to have a good view and a good time. If you're like me, a party of three, seated on one of the tables in front of the stage, you're going to have a horrible time. We spent US$150 per person to have an overpriced set course dinner at cramped table, sharing the tiny table with a solo guest! Imagine having to turn your neck 120 degrees to watch the entire show, being elbow to elbow with the table next to you, while your chair is bumper to bumper with the table behind you. And they don't even serve you a glass of water. I'd much rather fire up Netflix than come back here thank you very much.

  • Simon Upton (Simon G Upton)

    Simon Upton (Simon G Upton)


    Food quality good but main portion too small for the price. Paid for an unspecified 3 course meal when booking, found out no choice and no flexibility, so had to buy an extra dish as my wife could not eat the provided main. Group only played 1hr + 1 encode, also disappointing. Did enjoy Backyard Bar however, excellent range of whisky. Service exemplary throughout

  • Chad Hayashi

    Chad Hayashi


    Overall had a great time here, very cool atmosphere and the staff were all helpful and were able to communicate well enough in English. Menu has English which was helpful as well. Drinks were not noticeably strong but were delicious, and our few different small plates were all good as well. We split a few small plates and were content after three. Sound was great, as were the views from our side table for two. One small note, though I didn't see any signs noting it, there is a zero photography and/or video policy and I was (I belive) kindly asked to stop when I tried to record just a few seconds of a show. At the same time, I did notice a number of locals record for a few moments at various times and never seemed to be asked to stop, so make of that what you will (I do not look like a local to put it simply, though I was just as discreet). Totally understandable policy and I apologized when corrected, there just doesn't seem to be exactly equal enforcement. In any case I had a nice night on something I decided to do on a whim while on vacation in Tokyo and I'm glad I did, I will definitely consider coming back in the future.

  • Chris W

    Chris W


    I went to see The Brand New Heavies with a friend. While the venue and show was nice, I found the attending staff distracting. The venue is also pretty cramped. If you're heavy set, be warned. The show itself was fantastic, and the lighting and atmosphere was wonderful.

  • 44 G

    44 G


    I'm an expert on jazz at all, but as soon as I walked through the door I noticed a change in the atmosphere. His anticipation grows as he descends the wooden stairs. Until the show begins, U can enjoy cocktails and light snacks inspired by the performers, and get intoxicated by the excitement of the show that is about to begin. The distance from the performers is close at every seat, and it is amazing that U can enjoy the luxury of an adult space that can only be enjoyed with this number of people. When U experience the food, service, jazz, and atmosphere that only Blue Note Tokyo has, U will forget the time and enjoy the best holiday.

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