White Gyoza Saganoya en Natori

JapónWhite Gyoza Saganoya



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-1-40 Masuda, Natori, Miyagi 981-1224, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-382-4880
sitio web: sagano-gyouza1974.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.1693888, Longitude: 140.8868085

comentarios 5

  • Adam Lee (FKK 3012983)

    Adam Lee (FKK 3012983)


    So, I don't think white gyoza are the best, but this is probably the best they'll be. The cheeze version was good. The soup perfectly complements the gyoza. But it just doesn't add up to a 4 or 5 star experience. Quality of the food was good, but the dish is just not that good. Texture of the outside, doesn't go well with the texture of the filling, and uh, a sauce might have made up for it, but the standard vinegar, black pepper, and chili oil just wasn't the best. In some photos I've seen a house made sauce. They didn't have that when I went. Too bad, as I think it would have really helped, and maybe recovered a star. Now, I signed up for a table, and several others did too. The other people were all given pagers, and I wasn't. Was it because I'm a foreigner? It was freezing outside, so I wasn't going anywhere anyway, but come on. The staff was polite, they just didn't give me a pager like literally everyone else, and I DID notice. White gyoza? I'll take regular gyoza any day, but with this soup and rice. And cheese. Not the best, and not the best value. Not bad, but I wouldn't recommend, and I don't appreciate discrimination on any level.

  • もんとんぷー



    Lunch visit on March 1, 2024. I happened to be passing by and found a white gyoza. I went to White Gyoza for the first time since the Kashiwa store a few years ago. The interior is clean and different from the image of a typical white gyoza restaurant. Ordered 8 grilled gyoza set meals. It came out in about 15 minutes. It may seem long for busy people. The gyoza is shaped like a slightly elongated steamed bun, which is unique to white gyoza. About 70% of it has a crispy texture similar to fried dumplings. Please be careful as it will be hot. Also comes with egg soup and salad. Zha cai has a mild flavor. I chose a regular serving of rice. I feel like the food at all the restaurants in Miyagi Prefecture is delicious. It was delicious. Thank you for the meal.

  • 学院恵方



    Fried gyoza and boiled gyoza. First, let's start with piping hot boiled dumplings. Gyoza with chewy skin and just the right amount of crunchy filling are eaten with plenty of rich sauce. I liked it so much that I felt like 4 wasn't enough. You can choose the amount of grilled gyoza, so you can order two servings and pass on the rice. It was so voluminous that I felt like I had barely eaten it all. As we ate, we enjoyed the different tastes with a wide variety of table seasonings and sauces for the boiled dumplings. Since they are mostly fried dumplings, the best way to make them was by pouring plenty of vinegar into the torn skin and sprinkling salt and pepper on top was refreshing and delicious.

  • Red Pet

    Red Pet


    Awesome value and taste great!

  • frogstud



    This place serves the greatest food on Earth. Every time I visit I always get most white gyoza I can. Friendly people and great service. 10 gyoza out of 10.

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