Washu Highland Hotel w Kurashiki

JaponiaWashu Highland Hotel



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303-17 Shimotsuifukiage, Kurashiki, Okayama 711-0926, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 86-479-9500
strona internetowej: kasago.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.4441585, Longitude: 133.7994003

komentarze 5

  • Serene Hiew

    Serene Hiew


    This is a Japanese-style resort. The service is excellent, as one would expect from Japanese hospitality. My family is very impressed by the standard of the breakfast and dinner buffet. We also love the room as it is very well-kept. A highlight is the open-air bath on the highest floor of the building. From there, you can catch a beautiful view of the sunrise, sunset and 10km-long Great Seto Bridge connecting Honshu and Shikoku islands. The nearby Highland Theme Park is an attraction which would be fun for a family with kids.

  • Dan Dolan

    Dan Dolan


    A very nice hotel with great view. You can see the longest bridge in the world from your room. The breakfast and dinner are beyond expectations. Lots of choices with quite good quality. The spring with the view is also very satisfying. Highly recommended

  • P P

    P P


    In short, the view is exceptional. Most room with view of the grand seto bridge. The roof top onsen is unbeatable becos of the view. One of the onsen I experienced with the best view. Food is good but I had better. If go for this hotel, go for the view.

  • Victor Shapiro

    Victor Shapiro


    Fantastic dinner (kaiseki style meal), very respectful and good hospitality. There were very few tourists (I think everyone else was Japanese actually). The surrounding area is quiet with a beautiful view including a bridge. Room accommodation was also great with an incredible view from the window. Amazing experience overall. It was a nice break from all of the densely populated touristy areas that I visited before my stay here.

  • Teresa Ng

    Teresa Ng


    A very good hot spring hotel. Wonderful view. Staffs are nice. Not good in English but still try hard to communicate. Food are tasty. The live show Octapus cutting is cool. Outdoor hot spring pool is marvellous.

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