Kanehachi Kataoka i Yoshida

JapanKanehachi Kataoka



🕗 åbningstider

291 Kataoka, Yoshida, Haibara District, Shizuoka 421-0303, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 548-32-7288
internet side: s-kanehachi.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.7802129, Longitude: 138.2539402

kommentar 5

  • sepia3634



    These days, KOBITO pudding isn't even sold, so I don't have much to look forward to!

  • H K

    H K


    There is a large Takoju store nearby, so they are doing their best to sell themselves as being locally based.

  • 曽根ともき



    [Taste of nature! ] We also have plenty of tea 😊

  • 総和リリカ



    A cat robot was handing out flyers in a lively supermarket. The taste of the side dishes didn't suit me...

  • mmflcr Roo

    mmflcr Roo


    The side dishes are delicious. I especially love curry and pork soup. It doesn't look like a ready-made product at all, it's completely handmade. The curry has a lot of potatoes, which I love, falling apart in the right way, and the pork soup has a lot of vegetables in it. Taro too♡ Both are heart-warming and delicious, just like your mom made them. I also enjoy the Costco fairs that are held from time to time.

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