Fresh Seven Yokoi i Shimada

JapanFresh Seven Yokoi



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3-chōme-4-10 Yokoi, Shimada, Shizuoka 427-0024, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 547-35-6221
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.8289266, Longitude: 138.1723414

kommentar 5

  • hanasez



    The side dishes are very delicious and it is a community-based supermarket. I go almost once a week. Please don't lose to the big guys!

  • Ma y

    Ma y


    This is a hidden gem in Shimada. You can get cheap and delicious side dishes and ingredients. We also recommend sushi! request: If they served traditional Shizuoka Oden (candy shop price), I think I would come back even more!

  • H I

    H I


    The store was a little small, but the side dishes were cheap and delicious.

  • 宮谷芳郎



    This shop started out as a small fish shop. There is now a large commercial facility. This is a supermarket where long-time customers can feel free to stop by! ️At lunch time, there is a variety of side dishes and ingredients, which is popular among people living alone and the elderly.

  • サンドトミー



    The side dishes are cheap and delicious , a cute size supermarket with a wide variety of items. I often go there for side dishes. I especially like curry rice and katsudon. I'll also buy some mandarin oranges and vegetables.

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