Uoei Ishiyama i Niigata

JapanUoei Ishiyama



🕗 åbningstider

4-chōme-2-6 Ishiyama, Higashi Ward, Niigata, 950-0852, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 25-277-1610
internet side: www.spotgroup.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 37.896279, Longitude: 139.0981361

kommentar 5

  • さくぴ



    Vegetables are certainly cheap since they are on sale. However, the freshness depends on the moment. When it comes to perishable items such as strawberries, all of the bags have mold growing on them, making it impossible to choose which ones to buy. It may be difficult due to pricing etc., but I don't think anyone would buy something with mold on it, so I would like them to remove it. And since it is community-based, there are many elderly people, and it is true that the population level is low. There are many people who don't apologize even if they bump into each other and it's quite a shock. Recommended for people who only value the cheapness of their "vegetables".

  • I A

    I A


    My relatives who live nearby often go shopping there, but I heard that it's not safe, so I decided to go there. It was really unsafe. Especially the parking issue. This means that the customer base is poor. In the parking lot, there are cars that park where they shouldn't and get in the way, cars that drive at speeds that don't seem to be in a parking lot, cars that steal away from behind when you try to back into an empty space, and cars that are narrow so you have to be careful. When I was slowly parking with the car on, a car pulling out from behind would start to close the distance with me. It was scary. I informed the store staff about the parking violation, but after checking, nothing was done, and the store was disposed of without even announcing it. Inside the store, there are clerks who don't greet customers, clerks who seem to disturb customers while stocking items, and clerks who display dropped vegetables as they are (I saw them putting back broccoli that had fallen on the floor). It is easy to see that there is a lack of education. The inside of the store also gave a bad impression of being dirty, with items being placed in an unorganized manner and being too narrow for people to pass through. If it were me, I would never come to this store even if it was nearby.

  • 熊倉肇




  • Takao Nagakura

    Takao Nagakura



  • Michael Brymer

    Michael Brymer


    Good grocery shop

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