Shimizu Food Center Higashinakanoyama i Niigata

JapanShimizu Food Center Higashinakanoyama



🕗 åbningstider

7-chōme-18-3 Higashinakanoyama, Higashi Ward, Niigata, 950-0836, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 25-257-2222
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.9080948, Longitude: 139.1189734

kommentar 5

  • tatsuya “kanepan” kaneko

    tatsuya “kanepan” kaneko


    Good luck to local companies even if they are merged into the AEON Group.

  • 月島雫



    Free parking available A small AEON supermarket

  • 吉田裕



    Good⤴️The goodness of Shimifu has gradually been lost. Especially salads, which have become more ionized, I don't feel like buying them. I'm very, very disappointed 😣

  • 石山八重子



    The price of raw vegetables is much higher than other vegetables, but the freshness is good and the quality is good. There are no exceptions. As for meat, I understand!

  • 弥恵ママ



    I often go shopping there because it's close by, but sometimes when I go there early in the morning to buy something that's listed on a flyer, it's not available in the store, and recently the flat-priced meat has changed to Aeon, so I don't feel like it's a good deal anymore. . In the evening, when I went to buy some side dishes, I saw people lining up the side dishes with a strong smell of fabric softener, so I lost interest in buying them. If you are handling food, please be a little more careful about smells.

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