Aeon i Niigata




🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-4-18 Fujimichō, Higashi Ward, Niigata, 950-0025, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 25-256-6380
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.9337586, Longitude: 139.0967687

kommentar 5




    On June 28th at 6:51am, the cashier at the cash register was waiting for a sticker, but she suddenly stood there and said, ``Oh, is that a sticker?'' Can I just keep it here? If that were the case, I would just take it home without putting a sticker on it every time.The cashier's attitude was too bad and he wasn't paying attention to the customers.I would take responsibility as a cashier.

  • south



    To put it simply, ``I pre-ordered a product for an annual event online, but due to an inconvenience on the part of the store, the pick-up process didn't go smoothly and I had to wait.I will never order again.'' Since I used pickup, I would like to receive the item at this store, which is different from store A. On the day of pick-up, present the image sent to you after completing your order at the service counter. "All reserved items have been received" "Not at this store" "Would you like to pick up at store A?" Several staff members took turns responding to my request, but I was asked the above question over and over again. On the way, I was also shown an ``order list with individual names and contact information,'' and was told that it was not at this store. I didn't give up, showed the image and order acceptance email, waited for about 10 minutes, and finally brought it from the back. The product also came with a reservation slip with your real name. The person who responded didn't even say ``I'm sorry,'' but simply replied, ``This is it.'' However, "Please be careful when taking your food home" is a redundant phrase. I thought to myself, ``What kind of mouth would say that? Why don't you just be careful?'' but I held back. If I had gone home, what would have happened to the product? To put it in a more unpleasant way, would it have been "the staff made it delicious"? Are you new to online supermarket ordering? If you are looking for a smooth response, ordering at a store may be the best option. By the way, the pre-order item is "Osechi". It wasn't very tasty or impressive considering the price. The item I had reserved at another store the previous year had a higher level of taste. I had an uneasy New Year's holiday because I was stingy with products that were inferior in name and were intended as celebratory items. I hope it's improved now.

  • Kyoko Ishiyama (fuekinori)

    Kyoko Ishiyama (fuekinori)


    Formerly Powers Fujimi Shopping Center. Now it's Aeon Super. Bus stop in front of you🚏 The site of the former management company Sato Foods headquarters has become a large parking lot 🅿️

  • いし



    Full self-service at the supermarket is the worst. Shouldn't we innovate our product management and use the UNIQLO method, or simply make it semi-self-service? Since the number of items purchased tended to be large, efficiency, efficiency, and ratings were clearly declining.

  • Mamare Baquirin

    Mamare Baquirin



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