Unatoyo en Nagoya




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3-chōme-40 Toyookatōri, Mizuho Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 467-0012, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 52-851-2632
sitio web: unatoyo.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.1232741, Longitude: 136.9385971

comentarios 5

  • 磯貝博文(いそっぷ)



    When I arrived just at opening time, the restaurant was full and there were 10 groups waiting. There were only 8 cars in the private parking lot, so we had to park in a separate parking lot. There are only two waiting seats inside the store, so you have to wait outside. This is a bit spicy. Minus points for service. After waiting for over an hour, I finally went inside the store. There are 2-3 tables that can seat 4 people, and 5-6 small tables. There is a quaint Japanese garden in the back. The eel is grilled over charcoal and is thick and fluffy. People who like crispy skin may not be satisfied. Sansho is ground in a mill, and has a very fragrant aroma and a gentle taste without any sharp or irritating taste. I really want this. Liver sucking is also a good size liver! That's what it feels like. No misleading. It was a satisfying experience overall. As expected from a Michelin listed restaurant! Thank you for the meal! ...The last thing I was disappointed about was the 100 yen discount if you couldn't park in the dedicated parking lot, and the 200 yen discount if you had to wait? Can I have it? However, I was not asked about it at the time of accounting and nothing was said. After returning home, I suddenly realized something. I think it was because it was busy, but the negative point was the service.

  • TINTIN呑んだ暮れ



    On this day, I will take a day trip to Nagoya. Since it was late in the day when I returned home, I decided to have dinner before heading back to Kobe. Since I was in Nagoya, I decided to eat eel. Every time I come to Nagoya, there are so many things I want to eat, and I can't conquer them all, but ``eel'' is at the top of my list of desires. I'm an eel fan, and my wife is an eel bowl fan, so I ordered "una ju" and "special eel bowl"! By the way, "liver liver" was sold out. Unaju There are two types of ``Unaju'': a half-body ``Unajutake'' and a single-tailed ``Unaju''. I only have the opportunity to eat eel in Nagoya a few times a year, so I chose "Ichio no Unajyu". The two halves of the eel lying on a weight are easily cut into pieces with chopsticks, and when you bring it to your mouth, it feels crunchy and then fluffy, yet the flavor is well expressed. The taste of the sauce was less sweet than other Nagoya restaurants, smooth and delicious, and the sauce was empty in no time. Special eel bowl The fish is probably cut into 6 equal parts, and 5 slices are served in a rice bowl. Unlike ``Unaju'', there is no need to cut the eel into pieces, and you can eat it as is with rice. They should be cooked the same way, but I feel like they're crispier if they're cut into pieces. What makes the rice fluffy and fluffy, rather than soft, is that we are particular about always serving freshly cooked rice, and instead of keeping the rice warm, we use two gas pots to cook small amounts many times. It seems that there is The rice bran pickles, which have just the right amount of pickle and are delicious, are made using the rice bran floor that has been passed down from our predecessors, and like the sauce, has been preserved since our founding.

  • cao cao

    cao cao


    Arrived after 11 o'clock on a weekday. Although it had just opened, there were already 4 groups waiting. I waited for about 30 minutes, was asked for my order, and then entered the store 15 minutes later. Take a seat and your food will be served in 10 minutes. The waiting time was long, so the good tempo was ⭕️ This time, when I looked at the menu, I felt like I preferred Shirayaki, so I ordered Kohakuju (Photo ⑨), which allows you to enjoy both. The eel is standard and fluffy. The bones are smooth and don't bother me. Shirayaki can be served with your choice of rock salt, white soy sauce, or condiments. My favorite was white soy sauce mixed with a little rock salt. For regular eel jus, the sauce is light. The amount of rice seemed small for the eel, but it was just the right amount for the sauce and I was able to finish it perfectly. The eel meat is rather small, so if you eat a lot, even one eel may not be enough. I don't know if that's the reason, but I think the price is reasonable in these high prices. Opinion notes are placed on each table, so if you have any thoughts, why not write them down? I noticed when I was checking out that this store only accepts cash payments (Photo ⑩), which is quite unusual in this day and age. (Credit cards are not accepted either. Please be sure to prepare cash.) There are only 8 parking spaces, and if you park at the nearest paid parking lot (Times), the store will charge you 200 yen, but even within 60 minutes it will cost you 220 yen, so you will be in the red. I don't think anything can be done about this, so let's hope the parking lot is empty🙏

  • 絵画モデルみきさん



    The eel was thick, juicy, and had a lot of fat! Shirayaki was refreshing and delicious with wasabi, green onions, and dashi soup! I went there on a Sunday around 11:40, and there was only one group waiting in front of me, so I was able to get in fairly quickly! There were families with babies and groups in the tatami room 😊

  • KI 248

    KI 248


    I was interested in Una Yutaka because there was always a line and it had a good reputation! There was a parking lot right after turning the corner on the west side of the store, and although the parking lot was fairly empty, there were a lot of customers considering the number of cars, so I was able to get in without lining up. Those who came after us had their names written in line. There is a table and a tatami room. I ordered Kohakuju, eel chazuke, and liver soup. Girls with small stomachs got full from just eel chazuke and liver soup! So I'm sorry that you enjoyed it so cheaply. The taste of the eel chazuke was quite strong! I love sansho, but it felt different from the sansho I usually eat. I wonder what. I'm a fan of Una Yutaka's liver sucking and shirayaki🥢

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