Pizzeria Braceria CESARI!! en Nagoya

JapónPizzeria Braceria CESARI!!



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-36-44 Ōsu, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0011, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 52-238-0372
sitio web: www.cesari.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.1585357, Longitude: 136.9026661

comentarios 5

  • Taka Teton

    Taka Teton


    Itameshi (Japanese: イタ飯) kind of fusion cuisine originally from italy that combines traditional elements of Japanese food and Italian food. Great service with lots of choices from menu. Long line at lunch hours , so get there early. Also so many interesting small shop at this strip . Recommended and orders , what we order. Grilled beef is nothing to excited. We Should Try to order more fusion sashimi dishes .also there is table charges for 330 yen per person. We are only two persons. We got charge for 4. Not big deal. But this is not Japanese way . Anyway, thanks Taka from Teton.

  • Sebastian V

    Sebastian V


    Nice pizza and cold cuts. You have to order by yourself at your phone and the wine was just delivered to our table and i had to serve it by myself, a bit weird. But overall a nice spot for some Italian food.

  • jayson cunanan

    jayson cunanan


    You just can't go wrong here. For dates or solo. Whenever you want a taste of authentic Italian food, here is an easy choice. One of the best Italian restaurant in Japan!

  • Davide Chiaramonte

    Davide Chiaramonte


    Really good and tasty Neapolitan pizza in Nagoya! Probably when I visited the staff was busy, but I wish someone had told me how it works upon ordering. You first make a line to order and pay, then you get a number and you wait for your call at a vacant table (at first I didn't know where to wait as no waiter was there to guide the customers, so this aspect could be improved). Overall a very good experience, recommended!

  • William T

    William T


    We went to this Italian restaurant among a shopping street full of other foreign shops. I was surprised to see this was a Michelin Guide restaurant. My friends definitely made a good choice to come here. Their lunch special, consisting of an appetizer, main, and dessert, was very reasonable at 1500¥ although a few alternate options add a bit to the cost. I opted for the Prosciutto salad and pizza with 12-month cured ham and they were absolutely deliciously soft, salty, and divine. My friends also decided on the Margherita and Cheese Honey pizzas. The Margherita was the first to arrive and it was the “lightest” taste of the three. The other two arrived shortly after. All three pizzas were thin, flavorful, and quite reasonably sized. I’d say the Margherita pizza was more the appetizer since it had a lighter flavor profile. My savory, salty, rich ham would be more of a main dish with the sweet and salty cheese pizza more akin to a dessert. To top it off, the desserts were extremely delicious and a great finish to our plentiful meal. I also want to note the extremely pleasant service we got from the staff, particularly our awesome waiter who did his best to speak English to us whenever possible. The whole experience really justifies their inclusion in the coveted Michelin Guide.

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