Unagen i Moka




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒321-4361 Tochigi, Moka, Namikichō, 3-chōme−99−1
kontakter telefon: +81 285-82-8003
internet side: www.unagen.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.4483119, Longitude: 139.9960957

kommentar 5

  • 斉藤涼子



    This is a store run by an acquaintance. I always choose to have lunch here when I visit my parents' graves. I've always been satisfied, but this time I felt something was missing. As the name suggests, the eel was larger and more delicious. The pineapple for dessert wasn't cut properly so I couldn't finish it. For the first time, I felt uneasy about the price of 4,500 yen.

  • miho



    I went for Mother's Day dinner. Visit the store after making a reservation on the phone. Perhaps it was crowded at 6pm, but when I was taken to the room, I was left alone for a while without a menu or water, and was asked for a menu using the phone in the room. Although they brought me a menu and tea, I was left alone again without any guidance, and I called the staff on the phone. As soon as I heard the menu, they came out and seemed to be in a hurry. I knew it would take some time to cook since it was eel, but it came out in about 15 minutes. I ordered hitsumabushi and tokujo. I was disappointed by the sweetness of the grilled chicken that I expected, and the lack of sauce. Would the atmosphere have been different if the customer service had been better? That's what I thought.

  • ほしあか



    Both sushi and eel are great! It's nice to be able to eat in peace in a private room! When I want to eat something delicious, I go to Unamoto.

  • 深谷信仁



    We used it for Fukaya Juku #2. The atmosphere inside the store is elegant and relaxing. The tatami flooring creates a relaxing atmosphere, making it a perfect restaurant for any event. Thank you for making the room more spacious and for your flexible response. thank you very much.

  • 永野通夫




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