亀寿庵 i Moka




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒321-4305 Tochigi, Moka, Aramachi, 2-chōme−10−5
kontakter telefon: +81 285-84-5531
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Latitude: 36.4464543, Longitude: 140.0142497

kommentar 5

  • 猫頭ゴロー



    At noon, the parking lot was empty, so I entered the store. The interior of the restaurant has a clean impression, and there are large tables sitting comfortably. I ordered the katsudon set for lunch. The soba noodles are white and have a slightly sweet taste, but the green onions are a strong condiment, so I think it would be better to eat them without the green onions. The katsudon was very delicious. Next time I'll try Juichi Soba, although it's expensive. Lunch budget is high.

  • ちったん



    Arrived at the last minute at 2pm on Sunday. I was gladly given the OK and entered the store. Kake soba cutlet bowl set ¥1320 Kake soba tempura set ¥1650 Both the katsudon and tempura bowl were freshly fried and very delicious. Maybe it would be nice to have some more food It was a small amount of rice.

  • 鷹ノ羽太郎



    [Order] Seirosoba (large serving) and karaage set. It was beautiful Sarashina soba. The thin noodles were tightly packed together, so they had a great texture and were delicious! Seriously delicious.

  • 忙しいロウ



    I ordered the chicken fried mori soba set and it was very delicious. White soba noodles are rare, but the flavor and texture were so good that I wanted to eat them again.

  • Junko Miyamoto (Junko27dec)

    Junko Miyamoto (Junko27dec)


    it's one of my favourite stores. The grannies are kind and do their best to serve customers. Soba tastes elegant. The sauce on the tempura bowl is sweet, which I like.

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