Tsuchiya i Utsunomiya




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1-chōme-31-7 Mine, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0942, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 28-633-0647
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Latitude: 36.5535644, Longitude: 139.9131106

kommentar 5

  • 池津啓之



    I was doing an image search for delicious-looking oyakodon that I could eat nearby, and a nice photo caught my eye, so I decided to pay a visit. Quiet Japanese-style music plays in the spacious interior, and you can expect courteous customer service. The set of oyakodon and soba (cold) is a good value as it also comes with a small side dish and dessert. The soba noodles were delicious, but the purpose this time was oyakodon. The soft meat, rich and runny egg, and the rice that goes with the soup stock is just amazing. When you make it at home, it's difficult to get the eggs, chicken, and onions to the perfect temperature, so the oyakodon I had at the restaurant felt special.

  • K



    The restaurant has spacious counter seats and a smoking room, and the facilities are as clean as a chain restaurant, so I was satisfied with my meal. I think it's a good restaurant that can be enjoyed by men and women of all ages, with a full menu of rice bowl sets and udon noodles. The katsudon set seems to be especially popular. The soba noodles were fresh, chewy, and delicious. At first glance, I thought the price was high for a kakiage, but I was satisfied with the large size and the filling of the shrimp, squid, shimeji mushrooms, and other ingredients. The texture of the batter is firm and it resembles the crispy side of "Do◯bee" (lol). Both the soba and tempura soups are very dark, so you can dip them into the soup before eating. The soba soup container is mini-sized and casually cute.

  • Hiro



    I stopped by around 13:00. There is a parking lot on the south side of the store, so please park there. I sat at the counter, which was nice because it was very large and there was space between me and the person next to me. Looking at the menu, there are many delicious-looking soba dishes. Since it was on the top of the first page, I thought it might be recommended, so I ordered the Sakura Oroshi Soba for ¥1,000. I wanted to take my time to look at the menu, but unfortunately it was taken down. Food was provided. As you can see in the photo, there are a lot of sakura shrimp. At first, I only wanted to taste the soba noodles, but there were so many sakura shrimp that I couldn't enjoy it. If you are looking for the deliciousness of soba, it seems that a different menu is better. I love sakura shrimp, so this taste and flavor was very delicious. The amount of soba was also large. The staff was also polite and nice.

  • Anzu gold

    Anzu gold


    The customer service was polite and the soba noodles were delicious. I ate the warm shrimp tempura and ankake soba, and it was piping hot and melty, and the portion was quite filling. Warm soba noodles tend to get soft quickly, but it seemed like they had been boiled a little hard from the beginning, so it was easy to eat without breaking into pieces. It was really delicious, so I'd like to stop by again when I'm in the area.

  • Moon Lanced

    Moon Lanced


    The price for what you get is perfect. There is a lot of tasty food and I definitely recommend the sets. Even the tee is delicious you get there for free. Definitely a must go place in Utsunomiya

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