Umeda Dental Clinic w Osaka

JaponiaUmeda Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒530-0018 Osaka, Kita Ward, Komatsubarachō, 3−3 OSビル 10F
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6364-4698
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 34.7027807, Longitude: 135.5003729

komentarze 5

  • Rii



    I go there for orthodontic treatment. The teachers, receptionists, and dental hygienists are all polite. You can make a reservation for your next visit at the reception, and you can also change or cancel your reservation over the phone, but unfortunately it is a little difficult to make a reservation, perhaps because the number of orthodontic days is limited.

  • 川畑かえで



    I have been going to him for orthodontic treatment for about 2 years. Once, I was thinking of changing hospitals due to work, but I was able to stay at the new dental clinic because the dentist was so skilled that I was able to receive treatment. It's probably a complete reservation system, so there's basically no waiting time. The teacher will carefully adjust the length of the wire for each child. However, many dental assistants have unusual hair colors or piercings, or are unfriendly. Perhaps for the sake of efficiency, the dental assistant does all the initial steps, but it's quite a bit of brute force, and I'm not sure if they'll hold back on that. That being said, it's quite painful lol However, the teacher who makes the device is very skilled, so I am turning a blind eye to it to some extent. As people at other dental clinics have said, there aren't many doctors who can adjust the device for each patient by themselves, so I recommend it to those who are tolerant of pain! The receptionist is also very friendly and kind!

  • 安雪梅



    I've been going here for about 5 years. At first, I had 6 front teeth and 2 back teeth removed to improve my teeth. My teeth are now beautiful, and the doctor is very skilled and can create just the right teeth, so I wouldn't go to another dental hospital. Now I continue to go to the clinic for implant creation and maintenance.

  • 柚もなか



    I had been concerned about my gums for some time, so I had my gums reshaped. I was worried because I don't like pain, but when I told him about it during the counseling session, he talked to me frequently and I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind. I'm really glad I decided to have the treatment as I don't have to worry about my mouth as there is no pain as the anesthesia is used 😊 I had my insurance pay for cleanings and cavities treatment, but he was kind and thorough, so I'm glad I chose this dentist. think. I look forward to working with you.

  • Mckee J

    Mckee J


    The 10-year warranty is the longest in the industry (probably), so that's a recommended point. Wearing ceramic laminate veneer. I've been doing cosmetic dentistry for quite some time, so please take a close look at what was cutting edge at the time, but now there are new techniques that can be done that don't put any strain on your teeth. I've had a lot of damage to my teeth, so I can only treat them using traditional methods here, but I'm satisfied so far. Is the teacher a subordinate? I felt a little sorry for his harsh tone (not for everyone) Is your teacher a regular? When I talked to him, he seemed to be having fun. It's normal for me, but it's okay since it's a doctor and a patient. The entrance to the building is difficult to find, but they have put up a sign at the entrance. Please enter from the TOWER entrance instead of the SQUARE entrance. The elevator will come when you press the floor number. There are no restrooms in the hospital, but they are managed by the building, but they are clean and there are no problems.

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