Osaka Dental Clinic w Osaka

JaponiaOsaka Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒530-0001 Osaka, Kita Ward, Umeda, 1-chōme−11−4 梅田 歯医者 Osaka Ekimae Dai-Yon Bldg., 100 1階
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6457-1188
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 34.6998973, Longitude: 135.4988268

komentarze 5

  • ぱるmilme



    Certainly, as everyone feels, the receptionist probably thinks that ``as long as she looks and behaves well, it's fine'' because she is a receptionist (I don't think she is incompetent or tactful). I have a strong impression. *If you take detailed measures, there is no limit! ︎While the doctor was explaining the treatment to me, whether it was a hygienist or just an assistant, I asked him to turn the chair of the assistant sitting behind him and place his hands on the seat. They looked like they were having fun: lol'' I was totally joking. Even if you are not in charge all the time, you are in charge at that time, so you listen to the treatment details and the doctor's explanations, and carefully explain to the patient the treatment details and sub-responses other than the doctor's studies, etc. Isn't it their job to explain things in a professional manner (because doctors tend to give explanations in a professional manner?) Well, my experience is as follows (this is just an example). I think everyone in every position is like this. I think of it as a ``battle ground'' for women who come to find good-looking doctors at clinics with little risk to their lives! ︎There are many scenes and reactions that can only be felt as such. I feel it especially because there are so many people here. Ever since I was a child, I have never seen anything like this in my visits to the dental clinic.It's like that at all dental clinics, and there are many unpleasant things: lol

  • 橋本千章



    I made an appointment on short notice due to tooth pain. The doctor found no abnormalities during the examination, and asked me to come back in a week so he could give me painkillers.The doctor also asked me to come back in a week to see how I was doing, even if the pain had subsided. He explained to me that if the condition had not subsided, I might have to have my nerves removed.The examination ended with just X-rays and painkillers, but I was satisfied and went to the reception desk. For some reason, the person at the reception desk told me that I would be using the doctor who had previously seen me, and that I could only make an appointment on Tuesdays or Sundays. Most days I can't come on Sundays due to personal commitments, so the only option was Tuesdays at 7:30pm, so I told them I'd like to have another teacher, and they said, ``I'll confirm,'' and then they paid the bill. I paid for the X-rays and medicine, and when I thought they were going to confirm my appointment, I was told, ``If the pain continues, please call me to make another appointment.'' Have you completely forgotten about this? It's my fault that I was forced to make an appointment because I suddenly started having pain, but I was fed up with the extremely sloppy treatment. Today's teacher asked me to reconsider my reservation, but I politely declined. I visited here for the first time in several years, and I vowed never to go again.

  • Kitsune



    Poor welcome at the reception (was not greeted appropriately, another staff yawning), no motivation, no willingness and zero flexibility to arrange a convenient time to their customers. Felt that business is not wanted. Terrible! Unacceptable

  • Matthew Child

    Matthew Child


    Friendly and convenient. Good place for a cleaning. The lady who speaks English there is a great asset to the clinic.

  • Gregory Mitchell

    Gregory Mitchell


    Professional service and modern facilities. Friendly and efficient staff. Great support for English speakers.

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