Ai Dental Clinic w Osaka

JaponiaAi Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-2-8 Sagisu, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, 553-0002, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6452-4182
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6948742, Longitude: 135.4807208

komentarze 5

  • 丸山誠太



    The clinic is also clean and you can enjoy your time while waiting. The doctor is very personable and I can receive treatment without stress. The staff around me were polite and gave me a good impression.

  • 相田秀徳



    The explanations are easy to understand and the treatment is quick, so I have no complaints. The teacher was easy to talk to and I was able to discuss various issues with her. Every response is polite. I was able to visit the doctor with peace of mind.

  • アンジェラニムロット



    Is the teacher friendly? If you ask me that, you might think I'm being unfriendly, but the women at the reception and the assistants are very friendly and care about me, even for the teachers. The doctor is unfriendly, but he doesn't think I should be too concerned about it, and explains the treatment and other things before starting the treatment.

  • 。い



    I went there after reading the reviews, but to be honest it was the worst. He doesn't even apologize when he sticks tweezers or other instruments in his lips, and I don't think anything of it once or twice, but every time. It's too complicated. The assistant is also leaning on the examination table. In any case, there is not enough consideration in everything. I will never go there again after I finish my current treatment.

  • 田口明久



    Cavities treatment in Fukushima Ward for the first time in a while. I've been holding back since the quarantine period, but I was finally able to go. I didn't like the dentist I went to before because I had to wait a lot and it took a long time, but here you can make online reservations so you don't have to wait at all and can go stress-free. I am grateful that there is no waiting time in these times. I was relieved that the treatment was painless.

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