Ume no Hana Funabashi w Funabashi

JaponiaUme no Hana Funabashi



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒273-0005 Chiba, Funabashi, Honchō, 7-chōme−1−1 東武百貨店船橋店 8階
kontakt telefon: +81 47-460-1017
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.702035, Longitude: 139.9851682

komentarze 5

  • あみん



    I had pulled yuba for the first time. It was fun to be able to adjust the firmness to my preference. The taste was carefully done and not only did it look beautiful, but it was also very delicious.

  • Rémy Reyren

    Rémy Reyren


    The cost performance if this chain is awesome. You can enjoy full course japanese cuisine at a cheap price and without given up on the taste. Reservation is a must. You have private room, arrangements is made for your childs. Staffs are really nice and helpful. The place is also quite beautiful and relaxing. Bug recommendation !

  • Fernando Hatsumura

    Fernando Hatsumura


    If you love tofu, this is the place. Ume-no-Hana offers tofu kaiseki (course meals) for reasonable prices. I had the Irodori Course for lunch (¥2,800) that comes with 13 dishes from appetizer to dessert. Not all dishes are tofu, and certainly not vegetarian, as some have fish, seafood or even meat - check the menu first. But the tofu is delicious, nothing like the ones sold at supermarkets, and comes in various forms: raw, deep-fried, grilled etc. The restaurant is big and has many ambients - some tables have view to a nice Japanese garden. Booking is recommended.

  • kei k

    kei k


    One of the most delicious Japanese restaurant in Funabashi. Booking is recommended on weekend.

  • S.Fujii WorldWide

    S.Fujii WorldWide


    Enjoy real #Tofu kind dishes here at Tobu Funabashi Department Store.

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