Kurumaya Ramen Nishi-Funabashi w Funabashi

JaponiaKurumaya Ramen Nishi-Funabashi



🕗 godziny otwarcia

8-3 Yamanochō, Funabashi, Chiba 273-0026, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 47-432-7383
strona internetowej: www.kurumayaramen.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.703429, Longitude: 139.9641176

komentarze 5

  • 散策中美味しいお店



    I heard that there was a nostalgic ramen shop in Nishi-Funabashi that I liked in my hometown, so I went there right away! The spicy green onion miso char siu that I always eat was delicious!

  • 花山大吉



    When I go around Nishi-Funabashi for outside work, I almost always eat here. Although the store is a few years old, it is kept clean. The people working here are older, so they move slowly, but it's easy to talk to them. When you come here, you will always find a menu only available at the Nishi-Funabashi store. I'm eating Power Stamina Ramen! Kimchi, butter, raw eggs, vegetables [green onions, chives, bean sprouts] and a hearty bowl of ramen priced at 1,000 yen! ! +Rice! (If you order a set meal/noodles, it's free + unlimited refills) You'll usually get 3 refills. Points to note! The freshly made ramen is served cold, so if you have a cat-like taste like me, you can eat it right away, so if you like it piping hot, I think other flavors of ramen would be better. There are also tatami seats that are safe for families with children, so you and your family can enjoy your meal with peace of mind! If you want to save money on your pocket but still fill your stomach, why not try it once?

  • KEN T- (旨いラーメンが食べたいんじゃ)

    KEN T- (旨いラーメンが食べたいんじゃ)


    Visited around 12:00 on 2024 1/28. The parking lot was full, but there was no wait inside the store, and we were guided to tatami seats. I ordered miso char siu and it arrived in about 5 minutes. The soup has a bit of garlic, but the garlic isn't that strong and I personally like the taste. The char siu had a strong dryness and was a bit unsatisfactory. The soup and noodles go well together. The vegetable ingredients are simple, with only bean sprouts and carrots. It's an old-fashioned flavor with a sense of stability, but no punch. Thank you for your meal.

  • das vishal

    das vishal


    All ramen Delicious

  • Satoru Mitogawa

    Satoru Mitogawa


    Ramen is good. Combo is also good.

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