FUJIYA Restaurant Funabashi Tobu Store w Funabashi

JaponiaFUJIYA Restaurant Funabashi Tobu Store



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Japan, 〒273-0005 Chiba, Funabashi, Honchō, 7-chōme−1−1 東武百貨店 7F
kontakt telefon: +81 47-460-8831
strona internetowej: shop.fujiya-peko.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.7019751, Longitude: 139.9858879

komentarze 5

  • 白色紅子



    I went to Fujiya to feel nostalgic about the past. I have nostalgic memories of going to the restaurant in front of the south exit station when I was a child. I had the seafood doria, but it was more tomato-y than creamy. The salad was very refreshing, fresh and delicious. Fujiya's coffee is bitter and strong, which I like. So you can enjoy it black and delicious.

  • J JJ

    J JJ


    Very high female occupancy rate Adult and child lunch with Peko-chan's flag ¥2,200 is recommended

  • 石塚清美



    I ordered pudding a la mode with a drink. Four types of fruit, fresh cream, and pudding. As expected from Fujiya. The main pudding was really delicious and did not disappoint. All-you-can-drink hot coffee is available, and you can get a refill if you order from the staff. The inside of the store was bright, clean, and very relaxing.

  • 世英【せいえい】



    For lunch, I had a hamburger with demi-glace sauce (with rice) for 1,760 yen. It was my first time to visit this restaurant, but the Fujiya sweets I sometimes eat are delicious, so I came expecting that the restaurant would be delicious as well. It was really delicious. It did not disappoint. Bacon, fried eggs, vegetables, and rice are all perfect. There were no concerns about customer service or cleanliness. It's on the 7th floor so the view is good. To me, Fujiya Restaurant ranks higher in deliciousness than the hamburger steaks you can eat at nearby Noraport and Aeon Makuhari New City.

  • 船橋のたっちゃん



    I entered the store as a place to reunite with my best friend who I haven't seen in a while (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠) Although the congestion rate was around 70% at around 7pm on a Saturday, we were able to guide you smoothly. It was difficult to choose a dessert from among the numerous genres and types of meal menus, taking into account the special theory, and in a good way, it was difficult to choose a dessert (lol) I had to eat at a restaurant, so I needed a bit of a budget, but I was satisfied with both the quality and quantity! I thought the mixed grill was attractive because it had hamburgers, chicken, beef, and other things that even adults love.

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