Ujie Supermarket Nakayama in Sendai

JapanUjie Supermarket Nakayama



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4-chōme-22-2 Nakayama, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-0952, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 22-303-2200
webseite: www.ujiesuper.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.2938347, Longitude: 140.8383331

kommentare 5

  • defender mx5

    defender mx5


    This is also a supermarket with good seafood. If the cooking area is not good, the fish will smell bad. There isn't that. A shop that does a good job

  • ニート軍曹



    I use it occasionally, but the other day, I thought there was no one in the credit card lane, so I entered from the shelf side, but a family came in from the side where the red tape was pasted, and I thought they were passing by. As we lined up at the cash register, we ended up taking about the same amount of time, so it looked like we had cut in. Afterwards, the child started to make a fuss about being interrupted, so I apologized and moved to another place, but the husband apparently came back later while I was paying the cash register, and asked my wife, "What? Did he interrupt me? Is this him?" Of course, I didn't look closely at the aisle either, so I guess that's my fault, but I wonder why they kept calling me names even though I apologized.In other supermarkets, the aisles are usually wide and there's no visibility. It's good, but the customer base varies considerably depending on the store, but Ujie may not be so good. When I checked his face, he had a face that made me think (ah...as expected...). I guess he thought that a customer who came shopping alone was a lower-class person than someone who came with his family.The way people live their lives is reflected in their faces and words and actions, but...it's a shame. In the first place, the aisle in front of the cash register is so narrow that it's difficult to see and decide whether to line up or pass. If the aisles could be seen a little better, things like this might not have happened. I'm sorry to go to the store, but I felt so bad that I don't think I'll go there again.

  • Beat Media

    Beat Media


    During busy periods, surrounding roads may become congested when entering and exiting the parking lot. At Imahitsu, the bag filling table is small and you have to wait for a space. We regularly hold special sales at great prices. There are some bargains that are cheaper with coupons, but I'm a little disappointed if I don't have the Uzier Super flyer with the coupon on it. Perhaps to reduce such disappointments, there are fewer coupon products these days.

  • Yunisa Z

    Yunisa Z


    You can do grocery shop here, plus you can dispose your small home appliances in the box outside the supermarket.

  • 街歩幾多郎



    This is a long-established supermarket located at the top of the hill in Nakayama. There are many regular customers because of the good selection of products and the size and layout of the store, which makes it easy to shop. It is unique in that they have always sold roast beef for at least 20 years. The parking lot may be full in the evening. There is also a bread and sushi corner, which is very attractive. You can see the Pacific Ocean from the edge of the parking lot. It's a good store, so I hope it continues for a long time.

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