The BiG Express Shogen by AEON in Sendai

JapanThe BiG Express Shogen by AEON



🕗 öffnungszeiten

8-chōme-10-1 Shōgen, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3132, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 22-772-3060
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.3335023, Longitude: 140.8772013

kommentare 5

  • 佐藤良三



    I use it all the time. Service days are on the 20th and 30th of every month. This is a food discount supermarket. The store is small, so the selection is average, but since it's affiliated with Aeon, Best Price Foods is a good deal. Also, if you make a purchase of 1,500 yen or more each day, you will receive a 5% discount 🈹 coupon. Fresh food is cheaper than other stores, so it's a great relief from the high prices. A 10% discount 🈹 coupon for 2 items is available on the Aeon app.

  • 白川美帆



    I would like the product lineup to go back to what it was before the transfer... The things I used to buy on a regular basis are running out of stock, and I'm starting to feel more and more inconvenienced.

  • 野良猫



    A well-known Aeon supermarket. It's good that it's cheap, but because the premises of this store is small, the selection of products inside the store is smaller than other stores. The parking lot is small, so you might have a hard time parking if it's crowded. I guess it's for local residents to do some quick shopping. In spring, the cherry blossoms along the road in front of the store are very beautiful.

  • paul marwood

    paul marwood


    Cheapest place for food and drinks. Limited choice, but a better shopping experience for the everyday essentials.

  • 菊地和男



    It's helpful because you can buy meat and vegetables at cheap prices. There is a Mizuho Bank ATM, so you can withdraw money without having to wait in line. On the way home, I felt a sense of superiority as I looked at the line at the 77 Bank ATM. When the cherry blossoms bloom, people who come to see the cherry blossoms take over the parking lot, making it impossible to park and hindering shopping. When there was a 5% discount, I bought a lot of cheap cup noodles.

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