Seijo Ishii in Sendai

JapanSeijo Ishii



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Japan, 〒983-0852 Miyagi, Sendai, 青葉区Chūō, 1-chōme−1−1 エスパル仙台 東館 2F
kontakte telefon: +81 22-353-6028
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.2600685, Longitude: 140.8833909

kommentare 5

  • kazu nakagawa

    kazu nakagawa


    The quality of the product is excellent. Domestic flour and beef and pork piroshki, If you feed the pigeons, I ate it with pleasure! Watching you eat, I also posted it on YouTube. Seijo Ishii is great!

  • 神田エミリア



    To put it bluntly, the customer service attitude at the entrance of Sendai when I was purchasing a product around 14:10 on April 6th was impossible. In my half-century of existence, this is the first time I've ever seen a store employee yell at a customer. The customer service attitude was completely different from that of the staff at Seijo Ishii in Tokyo, and I was surprised at the poor quality of customer service at the Sendai store. The customer service of the staff at the Seijo Ishii Cial Sakuragicho Annex store in Yokohama is particularly excellent, so I hope the staff at the Sendai store will learn from their example. I would like to request that the Sendai store redo its education.

  • ずんだのもちこ



    It can't be helped because the store is rather small, but I've shopped at stores in Tokyo several times so my expectations were too high (^-^;) They didn't carry the things I was looking for that I thought would be nice to have, and they didn't seem to have anything that rare or delicious. The cash register is small, so depending on the time of day there may be a line, and when it's busy you'll have to be careful about passing other customers. The clerks are very kind and efficient.

  • Ami



    A store inside the S-PAL Sendai store. It's not as good as the stores in Tokyo, but although it's small, the products are lined up tightly. It's fun to look around because there are things you don't often see in supermarkets, such as side dishes, sweets, alcohol, cheese, spices, and seasonings. Also, the customer service of the staff is excellent. I use it when I get bored of the usual supermarket or while shopping.

  • Tsune Kimura

    Tsune Kimura


    You may find many quality items you may want to try in Japan.

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