Ujie Super Onoda i Kami

JapanUjie Super Onoda



🕗 åbningstider

1ban-42-1 Machiyashiki, 字 Kami, Kami District, Miyagi 981-4334, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 229-67-3211
internet side: www.ujiesuper.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.5739868, Longitude: 140.7819093

kommentar 5

  • パクチー



    Purchased chicken when it was super cheap ♡ I fried it and ate it delicious♡♡ The store was crowded because it was PayPay point redemption ♡

  • お茶メン



    Some items are cheaper than the Nakashinden store, and the selection here is a bit more extensive. The south exit has poor visibility and is difficult to exit.

  • jaun pierre beetge

    jaun pierre beetge


    This supermarket have anything you need from bread to BBQ and some off the staff even speak a bit of English. The only downside at this supermarket is the visibility of incoming traffic at the entrance of the parking area.

  • ONIGIRI (オニギリ)

    ONIGIRI (オニギリ)


    The parking lot was small and the staff had a bad attitude, it was sloppy and terrible.

  • Mark Garcia

    Mark Garcia


    Good neighborhood supermarket.

nærmeste Supermarked

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